Banking is about money; and no other
familiar commodity arouses such excesses of passion and dislike. Nor is here any
other about which more nonsense is talked. The type of thing that comes to mind
is not what is normally called economies, which is inexact rather than
nonsensical, and only in the same way as all sciences are at the point where
they try to predict people’s behavior and its consequences. Indeed most social
sciences and, for example, medicine could probably be described in the same
way. However, it is common to hear assertions of the kind "if you were left alone on a desert island a few seed potatoes would be more useful to you than a million pounds" as though this proved something important about money except the undeniable fact that it would not be much use to anyone in a situation where very few of us are at A. by direct intervention in the pricing of goods and services B. by means of money and the price mechanism C. by keeping a watchful eye on relative price changes D. by fixing prices in specific industries [单项选择]奶与奶制品的主要卫生问题是( )。
A. 农药残留 B. 致病菌污染 C. 虫卵污染 D. 生活污水污染 [单选题]债券信用评级的主要对象是()
A.企业发行的债券 B.国家财政发行的国库券 C.国家银行发行的金融债券 D.地方政府或非国家金融机构发行的所有有价证券 [填空题]If there are much more people in the world,then there 76.______
must have more food to feed the people. But food is 77.______ already serious problem today.One-third of the world’s population 78.______ are starving.because there is not any enough food. Ten thousand 79.______ people die of hunger everyday in some parts of the world. 80.______ But in others parts of the world, people become ill or die 81.______ so they eat too much food, and they are too fat. 82.______ Some countries have no food,but others have too much,and they 83.______ throw them away. How can tomorrow’s world feed its people 84.______ The world needs to produce more food than it is now. 85.______ [多选题]关于高处作业的规定,下列描述正确的是()。
A.杆塔组立、脚手架施工等高处作业时,应采用速差自控器等后备保护设施 B.安全带及后备防护设施应低挂高用 C.高处作业人员应衣着灵便,衣袖、裤脚应扎紧,穿软底防滑鞋 D.高处作业过程中,应随时检查安全带绑扎的牢靠情况 E.略 F.略 [单选题] 在有建筑倒塌风险的事故现场,警戒区域半径不小于建筑物高度的()倍。
A.0.5 B.1 C.1.5 D.2 [简答题] 再生催化剂进行氯化更新的作用是什么?
[多选题]消防指战员参加灭火战斗时,根据火场危害程度,严格按照防护等级要求采取防护措施。进入现场的( )等,应根据作业环境做好等级防护,并实施编组管理。( )
A.驾驶员 B.摄像员 C.火场文书 D.通信员 [单选题]
CRH2型动车组在尺寸测量时同一轮对两侧之差( )。 A.≤0.5mm B.≤1mm C.≥0.5mm D.≥0.5mm [单选题]已操作的操作票应注明( )字样。操作票至少应保存1年。
A.已操作 B.已执行 C.合格 D.已终结 [判断题]景区资源现状可以确定旅游项目的知名度。 ___
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]储存单元是用于储存危险化学品的储罐或仓库组成的相对独立的区域 ,储罐区以罐区防火堤为界限划分为独立的单元,仓库以独立库房(独立建筑物)为界限划分为独立的单元。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在室外和易进水的部位,电缆保护管宜安装在低于设备的位置,并从设备下方引入,并封堵严密。( )[1.0分]
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]为痤疮皮肤做冷倒模时,底霜可以用()代替。
A. 营养面膜 B. 维生素E精华霜 C. 油质按摩霜 D. 樟脑按摩霜 [单选题]在市场经济中,价格的高低决定着生产者之间经济利益的分配,竞争力强的企业获得的利润多,而竞争力弱的企业则获得的利润少。这是市场经济的()。
A.利益刺激功能 B.优胜劣汰功能 C.自动调节收入分配功能 D.优化资源配置功能 [单项选择]根据我国宪法的规定,连续任职不得超过两届的有( )。
A. 国务院总理、副总理、国务委员、各部部长以及国务院秘书长 B. 国家主席、国务院总理、全国人大常委会委员长、全国人大常委会委员 C. 国家主席、国务院总理、全国人大常委会委员长、中央军委主席及中央军委其他组成人员 D. 国家主席、国务院总理、全国人大常委会委员会长、最高人民法院院长、最高人民检察院检察长 我来回答: 提交