My writing in my late teens and early
adulthood was fashioned after the U.S. short stories and poetry taught in the
high schools of the 1940s and 1950s, but by the 1960s, after I had gone to
college and dropped out and served in the military, I began to develop topics
and themes from my Native American background. The experience in my village of
Deetziyamah and Acoma Pueblo was readily accessible. My mother was a potter of
the well-known Acoma clayware. My father carved figures from wood and did
beadwork. There was always some kind of artistic endeavor that Native American
people, set themselves to, although they did not necessarily articulate it as
"Art" in the sense of Western civilization. When I turned my attention to my own
heritage, I did so because this was my identity, and I wanted to write about
what that meant. My desire was A. The artful nature of Native American life compels the author to explore and write about that heritage. B. Art is an important part of Native American life and should be a part of everyone’s existence. C. The author remembers his childhood, especially his parents and the elders in his community, in a very positive way. D. A desire to return to traditional Native American values led the author to write about Native American issues. [判断题]当设计饰面为涂料时,粘结面积率不小于20%。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]The secretary worked late into the night, (prepare)()a long speech for the president.
[多选题]1989年,时任美国国务院顾问的弗朗西斯·福山抛出了所谓的“历史终结论”,认为西方实行的自由民主制度是“人类社会形态进步的终点”和“人类最后一种统治形式”。然而,20年来的历史告诉我们,终结的不是历史,而是西方的优越感。就在柏林墙倒塌20年后的2009年11月9日,BBC公布了一份对27国民众的调查,结果半数以上的受访者不满资本主义制度。此次调查的主办方之一的“全球扫描”公司主席米勒对媒体表示,这说明随着1989年柏林墙的倒塌,资本主义并没有取得看上去的压倒性胜利,这一点在这次金融危机中表现的尤其明显。“历史终结论”的破产说明( )
A.社会规律和自然规律一样都是作为一种盲目的无意识力量起作用 B.人类历史发展的曲折性不会改变历史发展的前进性 C.一些国家社会发展的特殊形式不能否定历史发展的普遍规律 D.人们对社会发展某个阶段的认识不能代替社会发展的整个过程 [单选题]“一骑红尘妃子笑,无人知是荔枝来。”中的“妃子”是( )
A.王昭君 B.西施 C.杨玉环 D.貂蝉 [单选题]油浸风冷式变压器,当风扇故障时,变压器允许带负荷为额定容量的( )。
A.65 % B.70% C.75% D. 80 % [单选题]进行心肺复苏法时,如有担架搬运伤员,应该持续做心肺复苏,中断时间不超过()s。
A.5 B.10 C.30 D.60 E.略 F.略 [单选题]水的pH测定步骤是在酸度计预热和电极安装后要进行"零点调节""温度调节"、()、“斜率调正和“测量“等操作.
A.“定位 B.“定值” C.加缓冲液 D.温度校正 [判断题]上横担进行工作前,应检查横担联结是否牢固和腐蚀情况,检查时安全带应系在主杆或牢固的构件上。这说法是否正确( )。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交