Dalton wondered why the heavier and lighter gases in the atmosphere did not separate as oil and water do. He finally concluded that the constituent (61) must exist in the form of tiny particles or atoms and that these (62) be completely mixed together in the atmosphere. This threw a new light in (63) law of definite proportions. It was only necessary to suppose that the atoms (64) combine into small groups of uniform (65) and so form more complex substance; (66) the mystery of this law was (67) . Dalton suggested, for example, that carbon monoxide (68) formed by the one with one (69) of atoms of carbon and oxygen, (70) carbon dioxide results from a single (71) of carbon uniting with two atoms of oxygen. Assuming this to be true, (72) the definite proportions of Prout’s law (73) all chemical compounds the different constituents (74) enter in unvarying proportions would
A. are
B. wouldn’t
C. always
D. never
Washington March 15 - The
administration of President Carl Arling today predicted another six months of
slow GNP growth and rising inflation. Chief economic advisor to the president, Walter Abel, told a news conference that in- creased foreign competition, rising prices for raw materials, and high interest rates would hold economic growth to less than 3% for the year with inflation rising above 7%. Abel said, however, that administration programs to restructure the economy would begin bearing fruit toward the end of the year and that growth in the gross national product would turn sharply upwards in the last quarter. He also said that the administration of President Arling was determined to increase investment in high technology industries, upgrade aging plant equipment in heavy industry, and encourage workers to increase productivity.< [判断题]操作机构用墙或金属板与该断路器隔离或装有远方操作机构的室内高压断路器可单人操作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]施工地段放行列车时,轨道静态几何尺寸偏差不得超过经常保养(速度vmax=120km/h)容许偏差管理值。列车限速vmax≤45km/h时, 半径大于800m曲线及直线地段,混凝土轨枕可每隔( )根拧紧1 根, 木枕可每隔1根钉紧1根。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.6 [单项选择]国际红十字运动创始简“亨利”杜南于()获诺贝尔和平奖。
A. 1900年 B. 1903年 C. 1902年 D. 1901年 [判断题]安全电压取决于人体电阻和安全电流的大小。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]火灾中驾驶台的行动首先是:
A. 叫船长 B. 立即将当时情况记入航海日志 C. 向全船报警 D. 调整航向,降低航速 [单选题]一般认为心脏骤停多长时闻后会出现脑水肿
A.1分钟 B.2分钟 C.3分钟 D.10分钟 E.15分钟 [单项选择]甲企业本期支付离退休人员工资30万元,支付离退休人员活动费5万元,支付在建工程人员工资6万元;支付广告费200万元,支付生产车间经营租金25万元,支付本企业财产保险费60万元;支付业务招待费2万元;执行法院判决,支付购买商品的欠款500万元,支付合同违约金8万元;发生坏账10万元;支付利息56万元;支付购买股票款90万元。上述支出中,现金流量表“支付的其他与经营活动有关的现金”项目列示的金额是( )。
A. 330万元 B. 830万元 C. 305万元 D. 130万元 [判断题]在带电的电气设备或高压线下起吊物体,起重机应可靠接地,注意与输电线的安全距离,必要时制订好防范措施,并设电气监护人监护。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]政府预算管理体制的内容主要有( )。
A. 预算管理级次的规定 B. 预算管理权限的划分 C. 预算收支范围的确定 D. 预算法律规章的建设 E. 预算调节制度的安排 [判断题]因债务人怠于行使其到期债权,对债权人造成损害的,债权人可以向人民法院请求以自己的名义代位行使债务人的债权,但该债权专属于债务人自身的除外。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]公司HSE管理体系的审核分为内部审核,( )
A.第一方审核 B.第二方审核 C.第三方审核 D.第四方审核 [单选题]以下关于医疗保险给付保险金条件的论述,哪项是正确的。
A.以医疗行为的发生为给付保险金条件 B.以财产损失的发生为给付保险金条件 C.以某种重大疾病的发生为给付保险金条件 D.以约定疾病的发生为给付保险金条件 我来回答: 提交