The first man who cooked his food, instead of eating it raw, lived so long ago that we have no idea who he was or where he lived. We do know, however, that (56) thousands of years food was always eaten cold and (57) . Perhaps the cooked food was heated accidentally by a (58) fire or by the melted lava from an erupting (59) . When people first tasted food that had been cooked, they found it tasted better. However, (60) after this discover, cooked food must have remained a rarity (61) man learned how to make and light (62) .
Primitive men who lived in hot regions could depend on the heat of the sun (63) their food. For example, in the desert (64) of the southwestern. United States, the Indians cooked their food by (65) it on a flat (66) in the hot sun. They cooked piece of meat and thin cakes of corn meal in this (67) . We surmise that the earliest kitchen (68) was stick (69) w
A. places
B. realms
C. areas
D. domains
Public speaking fills most people with
dread. Humiliation is the greatest fear~ self-exposure and failing to appeal to
the audience come a close second. Women hate it most, since girls are
pressurized from an early age to be concerned with appearances of all
kinds. Most people have plenty of insecurities, and this seems like a situation that will bring them out. If you were under pressure to be perfect, you are terrified of falling in the most public of ways. While extroverts will feel less fear before the ordeal, it does not mean they will necessarily do it better. Some very shy people manage to shine. When I met the British comedian Julian Clary, he was shy and cautious, yet his TV performances are perfect. In fact, personality is not the best predictor of who does it well. Regardless of what you are like in real life, the key seems t A. Personality is the key to success in public speaking. B. Extroverts are better public speakers. C. Introverts have to learn harder to be good speakers. D. Factors other than personality ensure better performance. [单项选择]关于鼓励技术,描述正确的是( )。
A. 心理咨询师不应选择任何一个主题进行鼓励 B. 引导对方谈话朝着某一方向进一步深入 C. 淡化求助者的叙述内容但鼓励其讲下去 D. 一般选择对方描述的最先一个主题鼓励 [单选题]小方坯铸坯横截面对角线长度之差≤( )。
A.7mm B.9mm C.11mm D.15mm [多选题]()对有触电危险、检修(施工)复杂容易发生事故的工作,应增设专责监护人,并确定其监护的人员和范围。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作许可人 C.营销领导 D.工作负责人 [判断题]劳动防护用品不能折合成现金发给个人。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]3.1006. 第1006题运行部门要及时掌握主要设备危急和严重缺陷。每( )对设备缺陷进行综合分析,根据缺陷产生的规律,提出年度反事故措施,报上级主管部门。——
A. 月 B. 季 C. 半年 D. 年 [单项选择]耳穴定位中,在三角窝后1/3的上部,即三角窝4区的耳穴是:
A. 内生殖器 B. 角窝上 C. 角窝中 D. 神门 E. 盆腔 [判断题]、安全设施一经投入生产和使用,不得擅自闲置或拆除。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]建筑物搜索行动的要求是( )。
A.紧密沟通,密切协作 B.灵活搜索,随机处变 C.保障有力,装备齐全 D.观察谨慎,行动果断 [多项选择]变形分析的方法或途径有()。
A. 变形水平位移分析 B. 变形计算分析 C. 变形监测资料分析 D. 变形应力应变分析 [单项选择]我国是一个法制统一的中央集权国家,法律体系在原则上是( )的。
A. 统一、协调 B. 规范、协调 C. 统一、稳定 D. 特殊、规范 [单项选择]复凝聚法制备微囊时,将溶液pH值调至明胶的等电点(如pH4.0~4.5)以下 ()
A. 使明胶带正电 B. 使明胶带负电 C. 阿拉伯胶带正电 D. 微囊固化 E. 带正、负电荷的明胶相互吸引交联 [单项选择]茶原产自哪里?()
A. 浙江 B. 云贵川地区 C. 北京 D. 内蒙古 [多选题]在试验和推广()的同时,应制定相应的安全措施,经本单位总工程师批准后执行。
A.新技术 B.新材料 C.新工艺 D.新设备 E.新经验 [单选题]道德主要是依靠社会舆论、( )和内心信念所维持。
A.法律法规 B.行为约束 C.传统习惯 D.集体意识 [单项选择]雷电放电时,强大的雷电流由于静电感应和电磁感应会使周围的物体产生危险的过电压,造成设备损坏、人畜伤亡。雷电的这种破坏形式称为()
A. 直击雷 B. 感应雷 C. 雷电波侵入 D. 雷电的折射与反射 [单选题] 直辖市、设区的市或者相当于同级的公安机关交通管理部门应当_____向社会公布车辆管理所考试员考试质量情况、_____驾龄驾驶人交通违法率和交通肇事率等信息。
A.每月,一年内 B.每月,三年内 C.每年,一年内 D.每年,三年内 我来回答: 提交