Perhaps the most interesting thing about the
phenomenon of taboo behavior is how it can change (1) the
years within the same society, how certain behavior and attitudes (2)
considered taboo can become perfectly (3) and
natural (4) another point in time. Topics such as death, fro
example, were once considered so (5) and unpleasant that it
was a taboo to even talk about them. Now with the (6) of
important books such as On Death and Dying and Learning to Say Goodbye, people
have become more (7) of the importance of expressing
feelings about death and, (8) a result, are more willing to
talk about this taboo subject. One of the newest tabo A. upsetting B. upset C. overturning D. overturned [单选题]药品监督管理部门应当依照法律、法规的规定对药品研制活动进行监督检查,必要时可以对为药品研制提供产品或者服务的单位和个人进行( ),有关单位和个人应当予以配合,不得拒绝和隐瞒。
A.例行检查 B.有因检查 C.飞行检查 D.延伸检查 [单项选择] EAP-FAST provides a secure tunnel during Phase One to protect the user’s authentication credentials. Which of these entities initializes the secure tunnel?()
A. generic token card B. x.509 certificate C. preshared key D. Protected Access Credential [单项选择]患者,女,62岁。近2年劳动、行走或咳嗽时阴道内有物脱出,小腹坠痛,四肢无力,少气懒言,面色无华,小便频数,舌淡,苔薄,脉虚细。诊断为轻度子宫脱垂,治疗应首选的方剂是
A. 归脾汤 B. 补中益气汤 C. 大补元煎 D. 八珍汤 E. 举元煎 [单选题]擅自离队、旷工或者无故逾假不归,四日以上七日以内的应受到哪种处分()
A.开除党籍 B.降级 C.撤职 D.记过、记大过 [单项选择]
Most people who go online have mainly positive experience. But, (1) any endeavor—traveling, cooking, or attending school— there are some risks. The online world, like the (2) of society, is made up of a wide array of people. Most are (3) and respectful, but some may be rude and insulting, (4) even mean and exploitative. Children get a lot of benefits from being online, but they can also be (5) of crime and exploitation in this as in any other environment. Trusting, curious, and (6) to explore this new world and the relationships it brings, children need parental (7) and commonsense advice. [单项选择]以下关于简单加密支付系统模型中加密技术的叙述,正确的是______。
A. 简单加密支付系统模型只采用对称加密技术 B. 简单加密支付系统模型只采用非对称加密技术 C. 简单加密支付系统模型采用对称和非对称加密技术 D. 以上说法均不正确 [单项选择]用汽油一空气吹管熔金器熔化中熔合金时,熔化金属的最佳火焰层是()。
A. 混合焰 B. 氧化焰 C. 还原焰 D. 燃烧焰 E. 还原焰及氧化焰 [单项选择]下列哪项不是卵巢肿瘤的并发症()
A. 蒂扭转 B. 囊肿破裂 C. 红色变性 D. 感染 E. 恶性变 [单选题]1941年2 月,中国远征军进入缅甸对日作战。陆军第二〇〇师师长( )在缅北殉国。
A. 戴安澜 B. 张自忠 C. 佟麟阁 D. 赵登禹 [单项选择]前臂骨折应视为关节内骨折,力争达到解剖复位或接近解剖对位,以恢复前臂的()功能。
A. 屈曲 B. 伸直 C. 旋前 D. 旋转 E. 内收 [单项选择]以下关于合法行为和违法行为的说法,正确的是:
A. 合法行为能够引起法律关系的产生、变更和消灭,违法行为不能够引起法律关系的产生、变更和消灭 B. 违法行为能够引起法律关系的产生、变更和消灭,合法行为不能够引起法律关系的产生、变更和消灭 C. 合法行为和违法行为都能够引起法律关系的产生、变更和消灭 D. 合法行为和违法行为都不能够引起法律关系的产生、变更和消灭 [填空题]GSM系统中时间提前量的一个单位对应空间传播的距离应是()。
[单选题]( )通信包含短波通信、卫星移动电话、静止图象传输等设备。
A.专用 B.无线 C.应急 D.区段 [单项选择]对于机械绝缘节与调谐单元的结合部,一般都将调谐单元与机械绝缘节空心线圈放置于同一双体盒,匹配变压器放置于另一个双体盒中,这两盒双体盒之间的距离为()mm。
A. 500 B. 600 C. 700 D. 800 [单项选择]
M: I’m starting training tomorrow for the football season. A. The man should step over the football. B. The man shouldn’t be taking the train tomorrow. C. The man should see the game afterward. D. The man shouldn’t be training tomorrow. [判断题]拖车移动式消防水炮的流量一般不大于60L/s。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]地下商店总建筑面积大于20000平方米时,应采用不开设门窗洞口的防火墙分隔,相邻区域确需局部连通时,应采取下列()措施进行防火分隔。
A. 下沉式广场等室外开敞空间 B. 防火隔间 C. 避难走道 D. 消防车通道 E. 防烟楼梯间 [单选题]局域网缩写是()。
A.LAN B.MAN C.WAN D.以上都不是 [单选题]滑参数停机的主要目的是( )。
A.利用锅炉余热发电; B.均匀降低参数增加机组寿命; C.防止汽轮机超速; D.降低汽轮机缸体温度,利于提前检修。 [单项选择]初产妇,25岁,宫口开全1.5h,先露+2,胎位LOA,宫缩变弱已15min,宫缩25s/4~5min。其主要原因是()
A. 宫缩乏力 B. 产妇疲劳 C. 胎儿过大 D. 骨盆出口狭窄 E. 中骨盆平面狭窄 [单选题]高温津贴发放标准: 每人( )。
A.20 元/天 B.25 元/天 C.30 元/天 D.35 元/天 [简答题]简述原子吸收分光光度法的原理?
[单选题]装修人装饰装修活动侵占公共空间,对公共部位和设施造成损害的,( )可以责令其改正,造
A.城市房地产行政主管部门 B.城市规划行政主管部门 C.建设单位 D.街道办事处 [判断题]两台及以上机车在车站调车作业时,无线调车灯显设备可以共用同一频率。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]Enough sleep is important to health.The amount of sleep(21)depends on the age of the per-son and the conditions in which sleep(22).The young may need more sleep than the old,hut(23)eight hours are enough for the health of grown-ups.Some can do with less than this amount?but(24)may need more.Every person knows his own need.It is then a matter of how to(25)it.Sleep should be always enough to make one relaxed(松弛)and ready for(26)work.
Fresh air is(27)to sound sleep(酣睡).It is not(28)reason for some people to insist that?it is practical to sleep in the open air.(29)a person can keep himself warm,out-of-door sleeping?probably gives the body(30)complete relaxation.
Ability to sleep is largely a habit.The conditions refen-ed to only lead to sleep.Out-of-door(31),a good habit of regular drinking and the avoidance of late eating and(32)are all helpful?to sound sleep.Such factors are largely within the(33)of any person.A bath at(34),neither?hot nor cold but of body temperature,may be helpful to sleep.Sleeping pills should never be taken?except when suggested by(35).
A.necessary good [判断题]社会意识形态又称为观念上层建筑或思想上层建筑。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在供用电合同中可以不明确供用电双方应承担的消防安全责任。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]加强全社会网络安全意识教育培训是建设网络强国的重要举措,是维护网络空间秩序、保障网络安全的()工作
A.根本性 B.决定性 C.基础性 D.有效性 [单选题]自然联接是构成新关系的有效方法。一般情况下,当对关系 R 和 S 是用自然连接时,要求 R 和 S 含有一个或者多个共有的( )。
A.记录 B.行 C.属性 D.元组 [多选题]以下属于私有地址的网段是()
A. B. C. D. [单选题]《建筑法》规定,依照本法规定,吊销资质证书的,由()吊销其营业执照。
A.主管建筑业协会 B.地方人民政府 C.工商行政管理部门 D.建设行政主管部门 [不定项选择题]阿片属于
A.麻醉药品 B.毒性药品 C.第二类精神药品 D.放射性药品 E.戒毒药品 [简答题]Suppose you are the secretary of the Finance Department. You’ll write a poster for employing three Personal Secretaries with the following qualifications:
1. skilled in typing and word processing
2. experienced m communicating with other people
3. be able to work under pressure
Closing date: June 3,2006
Application forms available from the Recruitment Office London Borough of Barnet, 16/17 Sentinel Square. Brent Street, London. Tel :081-20282828
You should write approximately 100 words.
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