Task 2
In 1813 rumors of a threatened invasion of Washington had circulated widely. But no attack materialized, so military preparedness ceased. By 1814 the defensive system for Washington was nonexistent except for a few troops near the city and a weak naval force. Month after month Congress had voted down resolutions to place the capital in a defensive posture, while the secretary of war kept concentrated on his invasion of Canada. The best plan for defense came from the cabinet in July, when it proposed to defend Washington with an army of volunteers from all the states. The result was inadequate at best. Some of the men that reported for duty were told to go home and get better shoes and to bring back a butcher knife if they could not get a musket. On August i8, news reached the capital that a British fleet had s A. objective B. sentimental C. indifferent D. subjective [单项选择]彩色多普勒血流成像的特殊技术是()。
A. 数字扫描转换技术 B. 数字化波速形成技术 C. 快速傅立叶转换技术 D. 灰阶编码技术 E. 自相关技术 [单选题]一般情况下,气动活塞式执行机构震荡的原因是()。
A.执行机构的输出力不够 B.系统震荡 C.介质压力不稳定 [多项选择]关于呕吐的临床特点,正确的是()
A. 餐后立即呕吐多见于幽门梗阻 B. 晨起呕吐多见于早期妊娠 C. 呕吐发酵食物提示胃潴留 D. 颅内高压呈喷射性呕吐 E. 呕吐物为咖啡渣样提示上消化道出血 [简答题]丙烷脱沥青的工作原理是什么?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]按逻辑功能分,SIP系统由4种元素组成,下列元素中不是SIP系统组成元素的是( )。
A. 用户代理 B. 代理服务器 C. 重定向服务器 D. 用户 [简答题]某公司拥有长期资金4000万元,其中长期借款1000万元,普通股3000万元。该资本结构为公司理想的目标结构。现该公司正考虑为一投资项目筹集资金,有关资料如下:
A. 烂疔 B. 红丝疔 C. 颜面疔 D. 疫疔 E. 手足疔 [多项选择]能缓解乳癌骨转移疼痛的治疗是()。
A. 手术切除骨转移灶 B. 定期静脉注射帕米磷酸二钠 C. 化疗 D. 放疗 E. 口服大剂量甲孕酮治疗 我来回答: 提交