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发布时间:2024-06-30 06:58:38

[单选题]根据以下材料,回答 A farmer carelessly lost an expensivegold watch in the barn on the farm, where he searched for everywhere but invain. So he put a 16 on the gate of the farm: whoever findsthe gold watch will be 17 100 dollars. Facing the 18 of the handsome reward, people tried their best to look for everywhere. 19 , the grain was piled like a hill along with bales of 20 , so if they wanted to find the gold watch, it would be like fishing fora needle in the 21 . When the sun set, the gold watch was notfound yet. They took pains but found 22 , so they began 23 the watch was too small, the barn was too large and the straw was toothick. It was getting 24 that they were still unable to find it.So they 25 the temptation of 100 dollars one by one.But only a small boy in 26 clothes was still not discouraged butkept 27 it in the grain. He had nothing to eatthroughout the day. In order to solve the family problem, he was 28 to find the gold watch andlet his parents, brothers and sisters have a full meal. He was 29 in the straw to have a rest 30 he heard a strange"tick-tock". He immediately held his breath and listen 31 . It was quieter in the barn while "tick-tock" 32 clearly. The boy 33 the sound, found the gold watch buriedin the depths of the grain and finally got the 100 dollars. Like the gold watchin the barn, 34 has existed around us and spread in verycorner of life. Only we are calm and 35 look for it can we find it.


[单选题]根据以下材料,回答 As with spoken language, writtenlanguage is always used for a purpose. People read a text 11 they think that it will enable them tofind answers to questions that they are interested in answering. People writeto express an 12 or to give information to particularreaders. There are, of course, many different purposes for reading and writingand different purposes will 13 different reading and writing styles. In general, written language isstructurally more "correct" than spoken language. It has clear wordand sentence 14 and its information is more denselypacked. More is said in 15 words. However, written language alsocontains both structural and contextual redundancy and this can help readers to 16 the text. Written language is often structurally more 17 than spoken language. This is becausewhen people write they have 18 to think about what they want to writeand are able to 19 to what they have written and revise itas often as they wish. This greater, structural complexity is one factor that maymake a text 20 to understand. When people read in their first language,they do not usually read every word in the text. Readers 21 their eyes across and down the textstopping at groups of words (fixations) to check for meaning. The speed withwhich people read 22 their purpose for reading and on how 23 a range of possible meanings their brainhas to choose from at every fixation. 24 readers use the structuraland contextual redundancy of the language, their 25 of what they have already read and thegeneral knowledge they already have to 26 what will come next, and so 27 the number of possible choices that thebrain has to consider at any fixation. Both writers, when choosing how to expresstheir 28 meaning for the audience that they have inmind, 29 readers, when interpreting writers′meaning, rely not only on their linguistic knowledge, but 30 their general knowledge of the context inwhich they are reading and writing. Such knowledge, whether specificallylinguistic or contextual, is stored in the long-text memory.
A.come across
B.take away
C.narrow down
D.give up


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