Text{{/B}} Reading involves looking at graphic symbols and formulating mentally the sounds and ideas they represent. Concepts of reading have changed {{U}} (26) {{/U}} over the centuries. During the 1950s and 1960s especially, increased attention has been devoted to {{U}} (27) {{/U}} the reading process. {{U}} (28) {{/U}} specialists agree that reading {{U}} (29) {{/U}} a complex organization of higher mental {{U}} (30) {{/U}}, they disagree{{U}} (31) {{/U}} the exact nature of the process. Some experts, who regard language primarily as a code using symbols to represent sounds, {{U}} (32) {{/U}} reading as simply the decoding of symbols into the sounds they stand {{U}} (33) {{/U}}. These authorities {{U}} (34) {{/U}} that meaning, being concerned with thinking, must be taught A. classed B. granted C. classified D. graded [单项选择]企业的销售利润率等于()。
A. 边际贡献率与安全边际率之乘积 B. 边际贡献率与安全边际率之差 C. 边际贡献率与安全边际率之商 D. 边际贡献率与安全边际率之和 [多选题]财政总预算会计核算的一般公共预算本级收入不包括 ( )。
A.税收收入 B.非税收入 C.调入资金 D.财政周转金收入 [单项选择]在pH值为10.0的溶液中滴加酚酞溶液,溶液呈()色。
A. 无 B. 红 C. 黄 [单选题] 紫绀发生的决定性因素是( )
A.心脏有右向左的分流 B.血液中还原血红蛋白增高 C.肺功能严重减退 D.血压过低 [单项选择]公共汽车与电车的站距为( )。
A. 市区线500~800m,郊区线800~1000m B. 市区线1500~2000m,郊区线1500~2500m C. 市区线800~1200m,郊区线1000~1500m D. 市区线1000~2000m,郊区线1500~2000m [单项选择]按照保险利益原则,下列哪些当事人的投保行为有效( )
A. 某甲为自己购买的一注彩票投保 B. 某乙为自己即将出生的女儿购买人寿险 C. 某丙为自家院内的树木投保 D. 某丁为自己与女友的恋爱关系投保 [单选题]煤矿新招人矿的井下作业人员实习满( )个月后,方可独立上岗作业。
A.1 B.3 C.4 我来回答: 提交