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发布时间:2023-11-12 20:32:04

[不定项选择题]共用题干 第二篇

High Stress May Damage Memory

According to a report issued in May 1998,elderly people who have consistently high
blood levels of cortisol (皮质醇)don't score as well on memory tests as their peers with
lower levels of the stress hormone. What's more,high levels of cortisol are also associated
with shrinking of the hippocampus(海马区),a region of the brain that plays a key role in
learning and memory.
The findings suggest that even cortisol levels in the normal,"healthy"range can
actually accelerate brain aging.
The study results"now provide substantial evidence that long-term exposure to adrenal
(肾上腺的)stress hormones may promote hippocampal aging in normal elderly humans",
write Nada Porter and Philip Landfield.Cortisol is a hormone released in response to stress
by the adrenal glands(腺),which sit on top of the kidneys(肾).
Over a 5-to 6-year period,Dr. Sonia Lupien and his colleagues measured 24-hour
cortisol levels in 51 healthy volunteers,most of whom were in their 70s.
The researchers tested the volunteers' memory on six people in the increasing/high
category and five people in the decreasing/moderate group.The groups did not differ in
tests of immediate memory,but the increasing/high cortisol group had other memory
problems compared with those in the decreasing/moderate group.
The researchers also found that the total volume of the hippocampus in those in the
increasing/high group was 14% lower than those in the decreasing/moderate group,
although there were no differences in other brain regions.
The results suggest that“…brain aging can be accelerated by levels of adrenal
hormones that are not generally regarded as pathological(病态的)and that variation within
this normal range is related to variation in the rate of brain aging",write Porter and
Landfield."This further suggests that chronic stress may accelerate the worsening of the
hippocampus." It appears that when the hippocampus shrinks due to high levels of cortisol,other brain regions
A.may change dramatically.
B.may stop functioning.
C.may remain unaffected.
D.may be seriously damaged,

更多"[不定项选择题]共用题干 第二篇High Stress May Da"的相关试题:

[不定项选择题]共用题干 第二篇

High Stress May Damage Memory

According to a report issued in May 1998,elderly people who have consistently high
blood levels of cortisol (皮质醇)don't score as well on memory tests as their peers with
lower levels of the stress hormone. What's more,high levels of cortisol are also associated
with shrinking of the hippocampus(海马区),a region of the brain that plays a key role in
learning and memory.
The findings suggest that even cortisol levels in the normal,"healthy"range can
actually accelerate brain aging.
The study results"now provide substantial evidence that long-term exposure to adrenal
(肾上腺的)stress hormones may promote hippocampal aging in normal elderly humans",
write Nada Porter and Philip Landfield.Cortisol is a hormone released in response to stress
by the adrenal glands(腺),which sit on top of the kidneys(肾).
Over a 5-to 6-year period,Dr. Sonia Lupien and his colleagues measured 24-hour
cortisol levels in 51 healthy volunteers,most of whom were in their 70s.
The researchers tested the volunteers' memory on six people in the increasing/high
category and five people in the decreasing/moderate group.The groups did not differ in
tests of immediate memory,but the increasing/high cortisol group had other memory
problems compared with those in the decreasing/moderate group.
The researchers also found that the total volume of the hippocampus in those in the
increasing/high group was 14% lower than those in the decreasing/moderate group,
although there were no differences in other brain regions.
The results suggest that“…brain aging can be accelerated by levels of adrenal
hormones that are not generally regarded as pathological(病态的)and that variation within
this normal range is related to variation in the rate of brain aging",write Porter and
Landfield."This further suggests that chronic stress may accelerate the worsening of the
hippocampus." The research conducted by Porter and Landfield shows that
A.the levels of adrenal hormones have nothing to do with brain aging.
B.changes in the levels of adrenal hormones can affect brain aging.
C.chronic stress may strengthen one's memory.
D.the rate of brain aging always remains stable.
[不定项选择题]共用题干 第二篇

A Four-day Week

Fancy a three-day weekend一not just once in a while but week in week out? You may think your bosses would never agree to it,but the evidence suggests that employers,employees and the environment all benefit.
The four-day week comes in two flavors.One option is to switch from five 8-hour days to four 10-hour days,meaning overall hours and salaries stay the same.Two years age,the state of Utah moved all of its employees,apart from the emergency services,to working 4/10,as it has become known.The hope was that by shutting down buildings for an extra day each week,energy bills would be cut by up to a fifth.
The full results of this experiment won't be published until October,but an ongoing survey of 100 buildings suggests energy consumption has fallen by around 13 percent. The survey also found that 70 percent of employees prefer the 4/10 arrangement,and that people look fewer days off sick.
The second form of the four-day week is to work the same number of hours per day for four days only,with a 20 percent pay cut. With the recession hutting revenues , accountancy(会计工作) company KPMG announced in February that it was offering its 11,000 U.K. employees the option of a four-day week to avoid job losses.So far 85 percent of employees have applied to join the scheme, and 800 now do a four-day week.
Not everyone will like the idea of working longer days or taking a pay cut in exchange for a 3-day weekend,but it appears most do.According to Rex Facer at Brigham Young University in Provo,Utah,it was the crash of 1929 that led to the five-day week.During the next big financial crisis in the 1970s,there was much talk of moving to a four-day week,but for a variety of reasons that didn't pan out."Things are different now,"says Facer."I wouldn't be surprised if we could get 50 percent or more of the workforce working four-day weeks in the next few years." What does Facer imply by saying"Things are different now"(Line 5,Para. 5)?
A.The possibility of another financial crisis like 1970s is slim.
B.There isn't much talk of applying a four-day week.
C.Four-day week is vey likely to become popular.
D.There is no obstacle for the four-day week to be carried out.


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