The Deer’s Death{{/B}} He ran close, and again stood still, stopped by a new fear. Around him the grass was whispering and alive. He looked wildly about, then down. The ground was black with ants, great energetic ants that took no notice of him, but hurried towards the fighting shape. And as he drew in his breath and pity and terror seized him, the beast fell and the screaming stopped. Now he could hear nothing but a bird singing, and the sound of the rustling (沙沙声) whispering ants. He peered over at the blackness that twitched with the jerking(抽搐) nerves. It grew quieter. There were small twitches from the mass that still looked vaguely like the shape of a small animal. It came into his mind that he could shoot it and end its pain; and he raised the gun. Then he lowered it .again. The d A. late afternoon B. close to midnight C. just after dawn D. already dark [单选题]公寓的土地使用年限为()年。
A.70 B.30 C.40 D.50 [判断题]各类作业人员在发现直接危及人身、电网和设备安全的紧急情况时,有权停止作业或者在采取可能的紧急措施后撤离作业场所,并立即报告。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]现场监护人员均应对照《营业线施工安全禁止性行为清单》和《邻营施工监护内容清单》,对施工现场实行清单式的监护。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]光缆在展放过程中不应落地,光缆与跨越物应保持()的安全距离。各信号人员应随时观察光缆的展放情况,及时通知调整张力,避免光缆与已架设导线、跨越架或其它障碍物碰撞磨损。
A.1m-3m B.3m-5m C.5m-7m D.4m-6m [单选题]铁路运输具有高度集中的特点,各工作环节须( )、协同配合。
A.紧密协调 B.紧密协商 C.紧密配合 D.紧密联系 [判断题]BWF10.5-25-1型高压电容器为额定电压10.5KV、25kvar单相并联电容器。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 高压回路上使用钳形电流表的测量工作,至少应两人进行。非运维人员测量时,应()。
A.填用变电站(发电厂)第一种工作票 B.填用变电站(发电厂)第二种工作票 C.填用带电作业工作票 D.取得运维人员许可 [单项选择]下列关于刑事诉讼中使用语言文字的说法错误的是()。
A. 在多个少数民族杂居的地区,公安机关办理刑事案件应当用当地通用的语言进行讯问 B. 在少数民族聚居的地区,公安机关办理刑事案件应当用普通话进行审讯 C. 办理外国人犯罪案件,公安机关应当使用我国通用的语言文字 D. 各民族公民都有用本民族语言文字进行诉讼的权利 [填空题]Most Chinese students are (depend) ( )on their parents to pay their higher education expenses.
A.在阶级社会,意识形态的形式和内容都体现一定阶级的利益和要求,并为一定阶级服务 B.在阶级社会,意识形态的形式体现一定阶级的利益和要求,并为一定阶级服务 C.C在阶级社会,意识形态的内容体现一定阶级的利益和要求,并为一定阶级服务 D.意识形态一视同仁地为各个阶级服务 [多选题]燃烧过程中的反应十分复杂,有( )。
A.化合反应 B.分解反应 C.热对流 D.热辐射 E.热传导 我来回答: 提交