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发布时间:2023-12-02 05:00:13

[单选题]FAV活门类型是( )What type is the FAV
A.电控气动弹簧负载开式活门 electrically controlled/pneumatically actuated/The spring load to open
B.电控气动弹簧负载关式活门 electrically controlled/pneumatically actuated/The spring load to closed
C.气控气动弹簧负载关式活门 pneumatically controlled/pneumatically actuated/The spring load to closed

更多"[单选题]FAV活门类型是( )What type is the "的相关试题:

[单选题]FCV活门类型是( )What type is the FCV
A.电控气动弹簧负载开式活门 electrically controlled/pneumatically actuated/The spring load to closed
B.电控气动弹簧负载关式活门 electrically controlled/pneumatically actuated/The spring load to open
C.气控气动弹簧负载开式活门 pneumatically controlled/pneumatically actuated/The spring load to open
[单选题]空调仓通风的供气活门是( )What type is the turbofan supply valve of the air conditioning compartment ventilation system
A.电控电动且靠弹簧负载打开 electrically controlled/pneumatically actuated/The spring load to open
B.电控气动且靠弹簧负载关闭 electrically controlled/pneumatically actuated/The spring load to closed
C.气控电动且靠弹簧负载关闭 pneumatically controlled/electrically actuated/The spring load to closed
[单选题]AMM手册是属于什么类型手册( ) what type manual does AMM manual belongs to ?
A.客户化手册 customization
B.机型手册 envelope
C.通用手册 general
[单选题]调温空气调压活门(配平空气压力调节活门)的功能是( )What is the function of the Trim Air Pressure Regulating Valve
A.调节热空气的压力,使管道下游压力低于客舱压力 Adjust the trim air pressure, the downstream pressure below the cabin pressure
B.调节热空气的压力,使管道下游压力高于客舱压力 Adjust the trim air pressure, the downstream pressure above the cabin pressure
C.调节冷空气的压力,使管道下游压力低于客舱压力Adjust the cold air pressure, the downstream pressure above the cabin pressure
[单选题]调温空气关断活门(配平空气关断活门)的功能是( )What is the function of the trim air shut-off valve
A.当管道过热时切断调温空气的供应 When overheat,cut off the trim air
B.当压力过高时切断调温空气的供应 When overpressure,cut off the trim air
C.当一个调温空气调压活门失效时,保持调温空气供向所有的管道In the event of a Trim Air Pressure Regulating Valve failed closed, the trim air shut-off valve opens to restore trim air supply in the failed side.
[单选题]渗漏测量活门的功用是 What function of measuring leakage valve is?( )
A.在飞行中发现渗漏时关断液压系统供油 The leakage was found in flight shutdown of hydraulic supply
B.在地面维护时关断液压系统供油 On the ground maintenance shutdown hydraulic supply
C.在空中和地面都能关断液压系统供油 Can shut off the hydraulic supply in flight and on the ground
[单选题]地面勤务总管上的人工选择活门的功用 What is manual selection valve on ground service manifold function?( )
A.关断液压源,以隔离飞行控制系统 Turn off the hydraulic source, to isolate the flight control system
B.在飞行中给主飞行控制系统优先权 To the main flight control system of priority in flight
C.给左右机翼或后机身中的部件提供独立的液压源 To the left, the right wing or fuselage rear parts supply hydraulic source independent
[单选题]增压系统的活门数是( )What is the number of valves in the pressurization system
A.一个溢流活门,两个安全活门,一个负压释放活门 One outflow valve, two safety valves and one negative pressure relief valve
B.两个溢流活门,两个安全活门,两个负压释放活门 Two outflow valves, two safety valves and two negative pressure relief valve
C.两个溢流活门,两个安全活门,一个负压释放活门 Two outflow valves, two safety valves and one negative pressure relief valve
[单选题]再循环活门的功能是( )What is the function of the recirculation valve?
A.当两台组件都不工作时,切断供向电子设备的混合空气 When the two Packs are not at work, cut off the mixed air supplied to the avionics equipment
B.当两台组件都不工作时,使电子设备有足够的通风 When the two packs are not working, make the electronic device has sufficient ventilation
C.当两台组件都不工作时,切断供向电子设备的再循环空气 When the two packs are not working, make the avionics equipment has sufficient ventilation
[单选题]防冰活门的作用是( )What is the purpose of the anti-ice valve
A.向涡轮出口供给热空气以防止冷凝器结冰Supply hot air to turbine oulet to remove ice build-up from the condenser
B.向涡轮出口供给热空气以防止冷凝器腐蚀Supply hot air to turbine oulet to remove Corrosion from the condenser
C.向涡轮出口供给冷空气以防止冷凝器结冰Supply cold air to turbine oulet to remove ice build-up from the condenser
[单选题]超转活门(OverspeedValve)的功用是什么?( ) What is the purpose of the OPU ?
A.提高发动机转速 Increase the engine speed.
B.控制燃油计量活门(MV) Control the fuel MV
C.控制燃油压力升高和关断活门(PRSOV) control the PRSOV
[单选题]当电源丢失时,发动机防冰活门处于什么位置? What is the engine anti-ice valve position in case of electrical power loss?
A.全开位 full opened
B.全关位 full closed
C.半开位 half opened
[单选题]发动机燃油高压泵的类型是( )What is type of the HP fuel pump?
A.离心式泵. Centrifugal pump
B.柱塞式泵 ram pump
C.齿轮泵 gear pump
[单选题]发动机燃油低压泵的类型是( )What is type of the LP fuel pump?
A.离心式泵. Centrifugal pump
B.柱塞式泵 ram pump
C.齿轮泵 gear pump
[单选题] What type of radar can activate a racon?
A. X-band radar
B. S-band radar
C. C-band radar
D. No radar can
[单选题] What type of stern tube bearing has the least friction ________.
A.Oil-lubricated bearings
B.Lignum vitae
C.Hard rubber
D.Bronze bushings
[单选题] What type of fire detectors is the first to go of in case of a fire?
A. Smoke detectors
B. Flame detectors
C. Heat detectors
D. Gas detectors
[单选题] What type of oil is most suitable for reducing the effect of heavy seas?
A. Crude oil
B. Fuel oil
C. Vegetable oil
D. Lubricating oil


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