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发布时间:2023-09-29 08:01:04

[单选题]the()is a graph that shows the relationship between two variables.
C.matrix diagrams
D.Scatter diagrams

更多"[单选题]the()is a graph that shows the"的相关试题:

[不定项选择题]共用题干 第一篇

The Relationship between IQ and Being a Vegetarian

A Southampton University team found that people who were vegetarians (素食主义者)by 30 had recor-
ded five IQ points higher on average at the age of]U.Researchers said it could explain why people with a
higher IQ were healthier as a vegetarian diet was linked to lower heart disease and obesity(肥胖)rates.The
study of 8,179 people was reported in the british Medical Journal.
Twenty years after the IQ tests were carried out in 1970,366 of the participants said they were vegetarians一
although more than 100 reported eating either fish or chicken.
Men who were vegetarians had an IQ score of 106,compared with 101 for non-vegetarians;while female
vegetarians averaged 104,compared with 99 for non-vegetarians.There was no difference in the IQ scores
between strict vegetarians and those who said they were vegetarians but reported eating fish or chicken.
Researchers said the findings were partly related to better education and higher class,but it remained
statistically significant after adjusting for these factors.
Vegetarians were more likely to be female,to be of higher social class and to have higher academic or
vocational qualifications than non-vegetarians.However,these differenIces were not reflected in their annual
income,which was similar to that of non-vegetarians.
Lead researcher Catharine Gale said,"The findings that children with greater intelligence are more likely to
report being vegetarians as adults,together with the evidence on the potential benefits of a vegetarian diet on
heart health,may help to explain why a higher IQ in childhood or adolescence is linked with a reduced risk of
coronary heart disease in adult life."
But Dr Frankie Phillips of the British Dietetic Association said, "It is like the chicken and egg."Do
pcople become vegetarians because they have avery high IQ or is it just that they are clever enough to be
more aware of health issues? What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?
A.Intelligence is linked to not just being a vegetarian but many factors.
B.The rate of getting heart disease is linked to your lifestyle.
C.The link between a high IQ and being a vegetarian is still uncertain.
D.The link between a healthy heart and diet remains to be proved.
[不定项选择题]共用题干 第一篇

TV Shows and Long Bus Trips

Long bus rides are like televisions shows.They have a beginning,a middle,and an end一with commercials
thrown in every three or four minutes.The commercials are unavoidable.They happen whether you want
them or not.Every couple of minutes a billboard glides by outside the bus window."Buy Super Clean
Toothpaste.""Drink Good'n'Wet Root Beer.""Fill up with Pacific Gas."Only if you sleep,which is
equal to turning the television set off,are you spared the unending cry of"You Need It!Buy It Now!"
The beginning of the ride is comfortable and somewhat exciting,even if you've traveled that way
before.Usually some things have changed一new houses,new buildings,sometimes even a new road.The
bus driver has a style of driving and it's fun to try to figure it out the first hour or so.If the driver is particu-
larly reckless or daring,the ride can be as thrilling as a suspense story.Will the driver pass the truck in
time?Will the driver move into the right or the left-hand?After a while,of course.the excitement dies
down.Sleeping for a while helps pass the middle hours of the ride.Food always makes bus rides more
interesting.But you've got to be careful of what kind of food you eat.Too much salty food can make you
very thirsty between stops.
The end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning.You know it will soon be over and there's a kind of
expectation and excitement in that.The seat,of course,has become harder as the hours have passed.By
now you've sat with your legs crossed,with your hands in your lap,with your hands on the arm rests一even
with your hands crossed behind your head.The end comes just at the right time.There are just no more
ways to sit. The writer thinks that the end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning because both are_____________.
[单选题]Which is the most advantageous relationship mode between teachers and students for the development of students?
A.Managerial mode.
B.Permissive mode.
C.Arbitrary mode.
D.Democratic mode.
[单选题]Text 3 The relationship between formal education and economic growth in poor countries is widely misunderstood by economists and politicians alike.Progress in both area is undoubtedly necessary for the social,political and intellectual development of these and all other societies;however,the conventional view that education should be one of the very highest priorities for promoting rapid economic development in poor countries is wrong.We are fortunate that is it,because building new educational systems there and putting enough people through them to improve economic performance would require two or three generations.The findings of a research institution have consistently shown that workers in all countries can be trained on the job to achieve radically higher productivity and,as a result,radically higher standards of living.Ironically,the first evidence for this idea appeared in the United States.Not long ago,with the country entering a recessing and Japan at its pre-bubble peak.The U.S.workforce was derided as poorly educated and one of the primary cause of the poor U.S.economic performance.Japan was,and remains,the global leader in automotive-assembly productivity.Yet the research revealed that the U.S.factories of Honda,Nissan,and Toyota achieved about 95 percent of the productivity of their Japanese counterparts--a result of the training that U.S.workers received on the job.More recently,while examining housing construction,the researchers discovered that illiterate,non-English-speaking Mexican workers in Houston,Texas,consistently met best-practice labor productivity standards despite the complexity of the building industry's work.What is the real relationship between education and economic development?We have to suspect that continuing economic growth promotes the development of education even when governments don't force it.After all,that's how education got started.When our ancestors were hunters and gatherers 10,000 years ago,they didn't have time to wonder much about anything besides finding food.Only when humanity began to get its food in a more productive way was there time for other things.As education improved,humanity's productivity potential increased as well.When the competitive environment pushed our ancestors to achieve that potential,they could in turn afford more education.This increasingly high level of education is probably a necessary,but not a sufficient,condition for the complex political systems required by advanced economic performance.Thus poor countries might not be able to escape their poverty traps without political changes that may be possible only with broader formal education.A lack of formal education,however,doesn't constrain the ability of the developing world's workforce to substantially improve productivity for the foreseeable future.On the contrary,constraints on improving productivity explain why education isn't developing more quickly there than it is.35.According to the last paragraph,development of education__________.
A.results directly from competitive environments
B.does not depend on economic performance
C.follows improved productivity
D.cannot afford political changes


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