We know mosquitoes very well.
Mosquitoes fly everywhere. They can be found almost all over the world, and
there are more than 2,500 kinds of them. No one likes the mosquito. But the mosquito may decide if she loves you. She Yes, she. The male mosquito doesn’t bite! Only the female mosquito bites because she needs blood to lay eggs. She is always looking for things or people she wants to bite. If she likes what she finds, she bites. But if she doesn’t like your blood, she will turn to someone else for more delicious blood. Next time a mosquito bites you, just remember you are chosen. You’re different from the others! If the mosquito likes you, she lands on your body without letting you know. She bites you A. she is very tired B. she likes your blood C. she wants to lay eggs on you D. she is hungry [多选题]热像仪由两个基本部分组成:()和()。
A.水准器 B.光学器件 C.角度器 D.探测器 [填空题]当上下轧辊的轧槽不对正时,应调整轧辊的( )调整装置进行恢复,以免轧件出现缺陷。
A. 动力 B. 照明开关 C. 动力和照明开关 D. 总闸刀 [判断题]CRH3A型动车组的PIS柜中设单相逆变器将辅助变流器输出的三相AC380V交流电变换为客室插座所需的单相AC220V。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]Ia 氧气瓶有一个氧气输出口。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]联通APP“三票一购”是指:()
A.3天 B.5天 C.7天 D.10天 E.12天 [判断题]施工作业防护执行“谁设置、谁撤除”的原则。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]乡镇行政领导的职权有哪些特点?
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