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It might take only the touch of peach fuzz to make an autistic child howl in pain. The odour of the fruit could be so overpowering that he gags. For reasons that are not well understood, people with autism do not integrate all of their senses in ways that help them understand properly what they are experiencing. By the age of three, the signs of autism— infrequent eye contact, over-sensitivity or over—sensitivity to the environment, difficulty mixing with others—are in full force. There is no cure; intense behavioural therapies serve only to lessen the symptoms.
The origins of autism are obscure. But a paper in Brain, a specialist journal, casts some light. A team headed by Marcel Just, of Carnegie Mellon University, and Nancy Minshew, of the University of Pittsburgh, has found evidence of how the brains of people with autism function differently from those without the disorder.
Using a brain-scanning technique called functi
A. disproportion of grey matter
B. imbalance of brain functions
C. deficiency in white matter
D. insufficiency of communication
It was Clark’s first visit to London
Underground Railway. Against{{U}} (36) {{/U}}advice of his friends, he
decided to go there after 5 o’clock in the afternoon. This is a bad time to{{U}}
(37) {{/U}}in London, because numerous people go home from work{{U}}
(38) {{/U}}this hour. He had to join a long{{U}} (39) {{/U}}of
people who were waiting for tickets. When his turn came, he had some difficulty
in making himself{{U}} (40) {{/U}}by the man selling tickets. However,
he got the right ticket{{U}} (41) {{/U}}the end and, by asking people
the{{U}} (42) {{/U}}, he also found the fight platform. It was packed
tight{{U}} (43) {{/U}}people. He did not{{U}} (44) {{/U}}to get
on the first train, but he was{{U}} (45) {{/U}}to move nearer to the
edge of the platform so as to be in A. able B. sure C. easy D. possible [单选题]对聚众拦截列车货聚众冲击铁路( )的,铁路职工有权制止。
A.车站 B.货场 C.办公场所 D.行车调度机构 [判断题]指定账户圈存、现金充值可在任一网点办理圈存撤销。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]即可开窍醒神,化湿和胃,又有宁神作用的药物是 ( )
A. 苏合香 B. 石菖蒲 C. 远志 D. 合欢皮 E. 百合 [单项选择]写字楼物业管理的( )会影响到其租金水平和市场价值。
A. 服务水平 B. 质量 C. 完善程度 D. 位置 [单项选择]决策者做决策时,对未来事件不仅无法估计在各种特定情况下的确定结果,而且也无法确定各种情况下发生结果的概率,这类决策称为( )
A. 确定型决策 B. 风险型决策 C. 保守型决策 D. 小确定型决策 [单项选择]依据ISO9001:2015标准8.3.4条款,以下错误的是().
A. 组织对设计和开发过程进行控制的活动就是评审、验证和确认 B. 评审活动是为了评价设计和开发的结果满足要求的能力 C. 验证活动是为了确保设计与开发的输出满足设计和开发输入的能力 D. 确认活动是为了确保产品和服务能够满足特定的使用要求或预期用途要求 [单选题]下列表述有错误的是( )。
A.烟草专卖批发企业和烟草制品生产企业只能从取得烟草专卖生产企业许可证的企业购买卷烟纸.滤嘴棒.烟用丝束和烟草专用机械。 B.卷烟纸 滤嘴棒 烟用丝束.烟草专用机械的生产企业不得将其产品销售给无烟草专卖生产企业许可证的单位或者个人。 C.任何单位或者个人不得销售非法生产的烟草专用机械.卷烟纸.滤嘴棒及烟用丝束。 D.淘汰报废.非法拼装的烟草专用机械,残次的卷烟纸.滤嘴棒.烟用丝束及下脚料,由国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门监督处理,不得以任何方式销售。 [单项选择]吕某因犯绑架罪被判处有期徒刑12年。入狱后,吕某认真遵守监规,接受教育改造,确有悔改表现。根据《刑法》的规定,对吕某()。
A. 既可以减刑,也可以假释 B. 可以减刑,但不能假释 C. 不能减刑,但可以假释 D. 既不能减刑,也不能假释 [单选题]地震、台风、洪水、泥石流等灾害发生后,如需要对设备进行巡视时,应制定必要的安全措施,得到设备运维管理单位批准,并至少两人一组,巡视人员应与( )之间保持通信联络。
A.分管领导 B.调控人员 C.派出部门 D.运维单位 [判断题]正在处理故障或进行倒闸作业时不得进行交接班
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]How many people were partially employed last year
A. Over 1 million. B. 3 million. C. Over 6 million. D. 7 million. [简答题]简述党政机关秘书部门的职能。
[单选题]二级酸性腐蚀品危险性较小,它能使动物皮肤在( )小时内出现可见坏死现象。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [判断题]基于盘活不良资产而实施借新还旧的,可以不用符合相关信贷政策和条件。
A. 人工费 B. 材料费 C. 施工机械使用费 D. 其他直接费 [单项选择]软件的易维护性是指理解、改正、改进软件的难易程度。通常影响软件易维护性的因素有易理解性、易修改性和 。
A. 易使用性 B. 易恢复性 C. 易替换性 D. 易测试性 [单选题]下列各项中,影响企业利润表中“利润总额”项目的是( )。
A.确认的所得税费用 B.向灾区捐款发生的支出 C.收取股东超过注册资本的出资 D.向投资者发放现金股利 [判断题]消防员隔热防护服隔热上衣和隔热裤多层面料之间的重叠部分不应小于 200mm。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]传声器是一种重要的声音输入设备
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]维修捣固作业结束时,线路允许速度大于 160km/h 的顺坡率不应大于 ( )。
A.0.5‰ B.0.8‰ C. 1.0‰ D.2.0‰ 我来回答: 提交