The conditions of art should be simple.
A great deal more depends upon the heart than upon the head. Appreciatioia of
art is not secured by any elaborate scheme of learning. Art requires a good
healthy atmosphere. The motives for art are still around about us as they were
round about the ancients. And the subjects are also easily found by the earnest
sculptor and the painter. Nothing is more picturesque and graceful than a man at
work. The artist who goes to the children’s playground, watches them at their
sport and sees the boy stoop to tie his shoe, will find the same themes that
engaged the attention of the ancient Greeks, and such observation and the
illustrations which follow will do much to correct that foolish impression that
mental and physical beauty are always divorced. To you, more than perh A. All the shining silver coming from the mines should not be made into coins, B. Art would play a role in uniting different peoples and in avoiding war. C. A vulgar man will become a gentleman once he steps into a beautiful house. D. The Chinese workman’s cup was more beautiful than cups in big hotels. [单选题]未经段调度批准及做好防护交接,擅自调换()。
A.信号员 B.驻站联络员 C.通讯联络员 [多选题]多模光纤的特性有哪些( )
A.中心玻璃芯较粗 B.中心玻璃 芯较细 C.模间色散较大 D.模间色散较小 [判断题]带电断、接引线作业应戴护目镜,使用的安全带应有良好的绝缘性能。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]收藏夹中保存的是( )。
A. 文档 B. Web站点的地址 C. 快捷方式 D. 被收藏的所有信息 [简答题]对违犯党纪的党员按照那部党规给予党纪处分?
[单项选择]“总价”栏应填( )。
A. 53 853 B. 55 903 C. 55 199 D. 57 249 [判断题]铸钢侧架易发生裂纹部位为A、B区内,其中B区比A区的危害大。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The New Testament was not only written in the Greek language, but ideas derived from Greek philosophy were ______ in many parts of it.
A. criticized B. incorporated C. summoned D. translated [单选题]一般情况下,主要危险性标签和次要危险性标签的粘贴要__
A.紧靠着贴在同一面 B.贴在包装件对立面 C.贴在包装件竖立面 D.贴在包装件底面 [单项选择]“大江来从万山中,山势尽与江流东”出自明代诗人()的《登金陵雨花台望大江》。
A. 高启 B. 刘基 C. 宗臣 D. 归有光 我来回答: 提交