Cocktail refers to mixed alcoholic
drink. There are many versions about its origin, the most authentic of which
appears to be one about how in 1776 a bar in New York decorated itself with
colorful cocktails to attract customers. One day, a local gentleman came with
some friends to have a drink, After a few rounds he got slightly drunk and
called a waitress to order a "cocktail". The resourceful waitress mixed a few
drinks in a glass, added some water to weaken the solution so that it wouldn’t
knock the gentleman out, and stuck a feather to the side of the glass when she
served it. The gentleman liked it so much that he regularly came for more, and
that was how "cocktail" came into being and got spread around. Cocktail can be
served all the year round, usually with ice cubes. There are dozens of different
mixtures with different col A. one century B. about several decades C. half a century D. over 200 years [单选题]拆除导线的裸露部分后,应立即进行(),不得触碰导线裸露部分。
A.胶带包裹 B.绝缘包裹 C.帆布遮盖 D.剪断包裹 [单选题]( )能反应各相电流和各类型的短路故障电流。
A.两相不完全星形接线 B. 三相星形接线 C.两相电流差接线 D. 三相零序接线。 [判断题]实现共产主义是一个非常漫长的历史过程,我们必须立足党在现阶段的奋斗目标,脚踏实地推进我们的事业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Please lend me ______ money.
[单项选择]Young people like to form groups. If you are not up to their standard, you will not be accepted into their group. And if you are an inner- going person and you are very shy, you may not dare to talk to others. Then what should you do
You should take the first step. Don’t wait until others come to talk to you. You should go to them and say "Hello" first. Then you will start a conversation. If you share some interests, you will become very close friends. You should also keep an eye of personal interest of others. Being interested in others will show that you care about them. A boy named David, for example, is very successful in making friends. He says, "I have a real love for people and I take an active interest in others." He adds, "One of the biggest things is to know that person’s name. Others are impressed that you care enough to remember their names. Because of this they may share some experience or problem with you. And the friendship starts to build." True, taking an int [判断题]当尖轨与基本轨密贴后,ZYJ7型电液转辙机的锁闭缺口两侧间隙为4.0mm±0.5mm。
[单项选择]( )是工程咨询最重要的调查方法。
A. 问卷调查 B. 专家调查 C. 现场调查 D. 现场测量 [判断题]根据《长春农商银行会计业务档案管理办法》调阅会计档案时,存在电子档案和纸质档案的,原则上应调阅纸质档案,在纸质档案不能满足调阅需要的条件下才可调阅电子档案。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]单线区间的车站,经以( )、( )或( )呼唤5min无人应答时,按封锁区间办法向不应答站发出列车。
A.拔号电话 B.闭塞电话 C.列车调度电话 D.其他电话 [判断题]通过文本框可以把文字放置在页面的任意位置,但不能和其他图形产生环绕、组合等特殊效果。
A. 理气解郁 B. 清泻肝热 C. 益气养阴 D. 镇心涤痰 E. 安神定志 [单项选择]下列选项中,工作顺序正确的一项是( )。
A. 可行性研究→初步设计→方案设计→施工图设计 B. 可行性研究→方案设计→初步设计→施工图设计 C. 初步设计→可行性研究→方案设计→施工图设计 D. 初步设计→可行性研究→施工图设计→方案设计 [单选题]A320客舱内话仅用于乘务员之间通话。
A. B. C.是 D.否 [简答题]1989年5月8日,某供电公司线路工区1名检修工人在35kV某线路#49耐张杆上进行调整弛度工作,安全带的围杆绳突然断了,他从10m高处摔下。所幸下面是较松软的庄稼地,他被摔成重伤。事后检查发现,他的安全带有被酸性物质腐蚀的痕迹。
A.制止属地范围内违章作业的权力 B.阻止未经允许外来人员进入本属地的权力 C.检查进入属地内的外来施工队伍安全资质、劳动防护、施工作业机具、器具、作业许可票证办理的权力 D.以上三者都是 [单项选择]湿式凉水塔能在水分蒸发的过程中,使水中得到浓缩()。
A. 溶解盐 B. 微生物 C. 氧气 D. 二氧化碳 [单选题]昼间,从塔台不能看见起落航线某些航段上的航空器,在起落航线上同时飞行的航空器数量不得超过( )架。
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.2 [多选题]发电厂保护用阀门包括( )等。
A.止回阀 B.安全阀 C.快速关断阀 D.疏水阀 [单选题]AD026 根据酸分子电离时所能生成的氢离子的个数,可以把酸分为( )等。
A.含氧酸和无氧酸 B.有机酸和无机酸 C.强酸和弱酸 D.一元酸和二元酸 [多选题]一般的数据采集终端仅接入电压回路,分为(____)。
A.单相 B.三相三线 C.三相四线 D.均可以 [单项选择]企业开展研发活动至少应当关注下列哪些风险()
A. 研究项目未经科学论证或论证不充分,可能导致创新不足或资源浪费 B. 研发人员配备不合理或研发过程管理不善,可能导致研发成本过高、舞弊或研发失败 C. 研究成果转化应用不足、保护措施不力,可能导致企业利 D. 以上都是 [单项选择]对于营业厅、多功能厅等公共场所一般采用的空调系统类型为( )。
A. 分散式空调系统 B. 集中式空调系统 C. 半集中式空调系统 D. 封闭式空调系统 我来回答: 提交