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[不定项选择题]共用题干 第三篇

Deaf and Hearing Loss

People who begin to go deaf in adult life have different problems from those who are born deaf. They
have to learn different ways of behaving and different ways of communication一perhaps at a time when learn-
ing is not all that easy.
A hearing aid is not a complete solution to the problem.The sound perceived by the deaf person
through a hearing aid is distorted and appears to have more background noise than is heard by someone with
normal hearing. Deafened people have to lipread as well.
Lip reading is difficult,demands intense concentration,and an uninterrupted direct view of the speaker's
face.No other activities can take place at the same time:the lip reader has to stop eating,stop everything in
order to concentrate on hearing. It is not a question of stupidity or bad temper一as it sometimes appears to
be一but a question of being very easy to misunderstand when the sound is distorted.Remember what it's
like trying to communicate on a very bad telephone line.Frustrating,isn't it?The deaf have to face all the
A useful way of looking at the problem is to see the deaf person as a foreigner一to treat them as if you
were in a foreign country.You would speak more clearly,slowly and raise your voice slightly.And you'd
use gestures to make your meaning clear, as well as have no hesitation in using pencil and paper to be abso-
lutely certain.You can do all those things with the deaf一as well as making sure you don't obscure your
mouth with your hand,a pipe or a cigarette.
Another point quite often overlooked is that a hearing aid may be quite efficient and useful in a quite
carpeted room一but try it in the high street in the rush hour,in a noisy car,in a railway station ticket office,
a cinema or a concert hail and you've got a really difficult problem to distinguish speech.So don't suggest
to or encourage deaf people to go to functions which are going to make their disability appear worse一and in-
crease their sense of failure.
On the other hand careful selection of cinemas with good sound systems is important and you should
experiment to find out where the best seats are for hearing,fitting adaptors for radio and television,observing
which friends are easier to understand,and making sure that people talking are well-lit and all useful and
positive activities. The purpose of this passage is to tell readers________.
A.how to help the hard of hearing
B.people who lose their hearing have to learn new ways of communicating
C.a deaf person has to lip-read even when using a hearing aid
D.people who lose their hearing don't have to learn new ways of communicating

更多"[不定项选择题]共用题干 第三篇Deaf and Hearing L"的相关试题:

[不定项选择题]共用题干 第三篇

Deaf and Hearing Loss

People who begin to go deaf in adult life have different problems from those who are born deaf. They
have to learn different ways of behaving and different ways of communication一perhaps at a time when learn-
ing is not all that easy.
A hearing aid is not a complete solution to the problem.The sound perceived by the deaf person
through a hearing aid is distorted and appears to have more background noise than is heard by someone with
normal hearing. Deafened people have to lipread as well.
Lip reading is difficult,demands intense concentration,and an uninterrupted direct view of the speaker's
face.No other activities can take place at the same time:the lip reader has to stop eating,stop everything in
order to concentrate on hearing. It is not a question of stupidity or bad temper一as it sometimes appears to
be一but a question of being very easy to misunderstand when the sound is distorted.Remember what it's
like trying to communicate on a very bad telephone line.Frustrating,isn't it?The deaf have to face all the
A useful way of looking at the problem is to see the deaf person as a foreigner一to treat them as if you
were in a foreign country.You would speak more clearly,slowly and raise your voice slightly.And you'd
use gestures to make your meaning clear, as well as have no hesitation in using pencil and paper to be abso-
lutely certain.You can do all those things with the deaf一as well as making sure you don't obscure your
mouth with your hand,a pipe or a cigarette.
Another point quite often overlooked is that a hearing aid may be quite efficient and useful in a quite
carpeted room一but try it in the high street in the rush hour,in a noisy car,in a railway station ticket office,
a cinema or a concert hail and you've got a really difficult problem to distinguish speech.So don't suggest
to or encourage deaf people to go to functions which are going to make their disability appear worse一and in-
crease their sense of failure.
On the other hand careful selection of cinemas with good sound systems is important and you should
experiment to find out where the best seats are for hearing,fitting adaptors for radio and television,observing
which friends are easier to understand,and making sure that people talking are well-lit and all useful and
positive activities. Why might increase deaf people's sense of failure?
A.Because they cannot hear well when they go to the cinema.
B.Because their hearing aids are not effective.
C.Because they can not see the speaker's mouth in order to lip-read.
D.Because they will not be able to hear very well and this may make them feel particularly conscious of their handicap.
[不定项选择题]共用题干 第三篇

Who Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?

I just mailed the chicken and the egg,each in its own separate packaging,and kept
careful track of when each shipment was sent from a post office in Cambridge,
Massachusetts,and when it later arrived at its intended destination in New York City.
In mailing the chicken,I was careful to adhere to the restrictions described in the
American Postal Service's Domestic Mail Manual 57,as updated on April 3,2003.This,
the most recent,version of the Manual states that:"Adult chickens must be sent by
Express Mail.The containers used must pass the standards in International Safe Transit
Association Test Procedure IA;be strong enough to endure normal handling;and ensure
enough air for the chickens in transit...The number of birds must not be more than the
container's limit."
I mailed the chicken in a wooden box got from a colleague who does research with
Then,I mailed the egg in standard packaging obtained through an industrial supplier.
It's quite simple.
I posted both the chicken and the egg at 9:40 am,on a Monday morning,from the
Harvard Square post office,in Cambridge,Massachusetts.The staff there told me that
this was the first chicken anyone had mailed from there in recent memory,and perhaps
ever.They handled both the chicken and the egg skillfully and politely.
The intended destination for both packages was the James A.Farley General Post
Office,which is located in Manhattan right next to the Penn Station train terminal.
I took the subway from the Harvard Square to the Boston train station,and from there
boarded a train to New York City,a distance of about 320 kilometers,arriving that
afternoon at Penn Station.I immediately went to the post office,to await the arrivals of the
chicken and the egg.
The James A.Farley General Post Office is open 24 hours a day,so I was able to
wait there until both items arrived.I inquired once per hour for both the chicken and the
That day,Monday,neither the chicken nor the egg arrived.The next day,Tuesday,
neither the chicken nor the egg arrived.
The chicken arrived at 10:31 am,Wednesday.The staff at the post office told
me that this was the first chicken anyone had mailed to the post office in recent memory,
and perhaps ever.The egg arrived that same day,at 9:37pm,11 hours after the
Based on experiment data,it's now quite clear that the chicken came first,the egg
second. What did he do all this for?
A.To know if animals like chickens could be posted.
B.To amuse the reader with an unlikely answer to the chicken-or-egg puzzle.
C.To know if eggs would break on the way to their destination.
D.To show that he was highly intelligent.
[不定项选择题]共用题干 第三篇

Race Car Drivers

The men who race the cars are generally small,with a tight,nervous look.They range from the early 20s to the middle 40s,and it is usually their nerves that go first.
Fear is the driver's constant companion,and tragedy can be just a step behind.Scarcely a man in the 500 does not carry the scars of ancient crashes.The mark of the plastic surgery is everywhere, and burned skin is common. Sometimes a driver's scars are invisible.Two young drivers,Billy Vukovich and Gary Bettenhausen,raced in their first 500 in 1968.Less than 20 years before,their fathers also competed against one another on the Indy track一and died there.
All this the drivers accept. Over the years,they have learned to trust their own techniques,reflexes,and courage.They depend,too,on a trusted servant一scientific engineering. Though they may not have had a great deal of schooling(an exception is New Zealand's Bruce McLaren,who has an engineering degree),many drivers are gifted mechanics,with a feeling for their engines that amount to kinship.
A few top drivers have become extremely wealthy,with six-figure incomes from prize money and jobs with auto-product manufacturers.Some have businesses of their own.McLaren designs racing chassis(底盘).Dan Gurney's California factory manufactured the chassis of three of the first four ears in the 1968 Indy 500,including his own second place car.
Yet money is not the only reason why men race cars.Perhaps it isn't even the major reason. Three-time Indy winner(1961,1964,1967) A.J. Foyt,for example,can frequently be found cornpeting on dirty tracks in minor-league races,where money,crowds and safety features are limited, and only the danger is not. Why does he do it?Sometimes Foyt answers,"It's in my blood."Other times he says,"It's good practice."Now and then he replies,"Don't ask dumb questions." A.J.Foyt often takes part in minor-league races for_______.
A.prize money
B.blood test
C.cheers from the crowd
[不定项选择题]共用题干 第三篇

Almost Human?

Scientists are racing to build the world's first thinking robot.This is not science fiction:
some say they will have made it by the year 2020.Carol Packer reports.
Machines that walk,speak and feel are no longer science fiction.Kismet is the name
of an android(机器人)which scientists have built at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology(MIT).Kismet is different from the traditional robot because it can show
human emotions.Its eyes,ears and lips move to show when it feels happy,sad or bored.
Kismet is one of the first of a new generation of androids一robots that look like human
beings一which can imitate human feelings.Cog,another android invented by the MIT,
imitates the action of a mother. However,scientists admit that so far Cog has the mental
ability of a two-year-old.
The optimists(乐观主义者)say that by the year 2020 we will have created humanoids
(机器人)with brains similar to those of an adult human being. These robots will be
designed to look like people to make them more attractive and easier to sell to the public.
What kind of jobs will they do?In the future,robots like Robonaut,a humanoid invented by
NASA,will be doing dangerous jobs,like repairing space stations.They wi}{also be doing
more and more of the household work for us.In Japan,scientists are designing androids
that will entertain us by dancing and playing the piano.
Some people worry about what the future holds:will robots become monsters(怪物)?
Will people themselves become increasingly like robots?Experts predict that more and more
people will be wearing micro-computers,connected to the Internet,in the future.People
will have micro-chips in various parts of their body,which will connect them to a wide variety
of gadgets(小装置).Perhaps we should not exaggerate(夸大)the importance of
technology,but one wonders whether,in years to come,we will still be falling in love,
and whether we will still feel pain.Who knows? In the future robots will also
A.explore space.
B.entertain people.
C.move much faster.
D.do all of the housework.


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