The famous banker, Ellington was a New York office’s______. | 1 | |
His secretary knew his______. | 2 | |
Ellington felt very sorry when his secretary left office to______. <[单选题]反应深度提高,回炼油罐液位()。
A.升高 B.降低 C.不变 D.无法确定 [单选题]成人习惯于说:“你如果不多加衣服就会感冒。”孩子则不能接受这种预见的后果,她看到小布裙子好看,她要穿。这说明这个小孩的思维还处在( )阶段。
A.直观行动思维 B.具体形象思维 C.前概念思维 D.抽象逻辑思维 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司应急管理规定》,应急预案编制部门和单位应根据实际需要和形势变化,适时修订应急预案,原则上每()必须修编一次。
A.5年 B.3年 C.2年 D.1年 [单选题]方钻杆上下旋塞,钻具安全阀及钻具内防喷器工具应试到( )。
A.2倍于所用工具的额定工作压力; B.不低于防喷器额定工作压力; C.都试压至70MPa; D.1.5倍于所用工具的额定工作压力。 [判断题]喷油量过大是螺杆式压缩机排气温度或油温过高的原因。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列对溶骨型骨肉瘤的X线表现描述不正确的是()
A. 多发虫蚀状,大片溶骨性骨破坏 B. 边缘模糊 C. 骨膜反应不明显 D. 易并发病理性骨折 E. 软组织肿块明显 [单项选择]根据结构特点和用途不同键联接可分为( )联接、紧键联接和花键联接。
A. 松键 B. 楔键 C. 钩头键 D. 导向平键 [判断题]同一种物料在一定的干燥速率下,物料愈厚,则其临界含水量愈高。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The first performance of Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker, in St. Petersburg in 1892, was a flop. Wrote one critic the next day: "For dancers there is rather little in it; for art absolutely nothing, and for the artistic fate of our ballet, one more step downward." Two decades passed before another production was attempted.
A century later, the ballet constitutes the single biggest fine-arts moneymaker in the United States, which has claimed the ballet as its own. In 1996, box-office receipts for some 2,400 American performances of the work by more than 20,000 dancers totaled nearly U.S. $50 million. Despite the ballet’s popularity, however, few Americans are aware of its history -- or of some of the twists and turns of fete that have changed it from its original form. Choreographer Maurice Petipa (known as the "father of classical ballet") prepared the first production for Tchaikovsky in 1892. He based his scenario not on the macabre 1816 short story The Nutcracker and the Fang A. He was a French choreographer. B. He preferred light-hearted music. C. He produced works of more than one style. D. He was interested in most of Hoffmann’s stories. [单选题]患者,男,32岁,农民。头痛、心悸、呕吐1月余,尿少伴神志不清4天入院。体格检查:血压26.3/15.7kPa,神志恍惚,反应迟钝。心前区第二心音亢进。尿常规:蛋白(++),红细胞10~20个/高倍视野。经降压及对症治疗,病情加重,尿量减少至无尿。于入院后第18天死亡。该患者肾脏可能出现的病变是( )。
A.细、小动脉玻璃样变性 B.弥漫小脓肿 C.新月体形成 D.增生性小动脉硬化和坏死性细动脉炎 E.一部分肾小球玻璃样变,一部分代偿性肥大 [单选题]环境监控的电源模块是用于给系统提供()电源电压。
A.5V、12V、24V B.6V、12V、24V C.5V、12V、48V D.6V、12V、48V [多选题]()是管内旅客列车。
A.6201 B.K6501 C.L6001 D.Y601 [单选题]可以反映一国或地区的经济发展规模的是( )
A.用不变价格计算的GDP B.用现行价格计算的GDP C.用单位价格计算的GDP D.用计划价格计算的GDP [单选题]真空三极管的放大过程与晶体三极管的放大过程不同点是,真空三极管属于( )控制型。
A.可逆 B.功率 C.电压 D.电流 我来回答: 提交