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发布时间:2024-02-27 06:24:28

[单选题]下列说法错误的是: Which of the following statements is wrong? ( )
A.OOS红灯亮说明IPMC在上电过程中 If the OOS indicator is red, it indicates that the IPMC is being powered on.
B.OOS绿灯亮说明IPMC复位中 If the OOS indicator is green, it indicates that the IPMC is being reset.
C.H/S灯蓝色说明单板处于非工作状态,可热插拔 If the H/S indicator is blue, it indicates that the board is not operating, and is hot-pluggable.
D.H/S灯灭说明单板处于非工作状态,可热插拔 If the H/S indicator is off, it indicates that the board is not operating, and is hot-pluggable.

更多"[单选题]下列说法错误的是: Which of the followi"的相关试题:

[单选题] Which of the following statements concerning cargo is correct?
A. Cargoes are any type of goods transported by any type of ships.
B. Cargoes are goods transported in bulk.
C. Cargoes usually include goods transported in bulk and in containers.
D. Cargoes are usually packaged in containers.
[单选题] Which of the following statements about general cargoes is NOT correct?
A. General cargoes are neither liquid nor solid bulk cargo.
B. General cargoes are packaged hazardous cargoes.
C. General cargoes are also called breakbulk cargoes.
D. General cargoes are mostly carried on container ships now.
[单选题] Which of the following statements is wrong according to the passage? __________
A. The long-term goals cannot amount to very much without achieving short-term goals.
B. The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals.
C. Life is a static thing, thus never allowing a long-term goal to limit us.
D. We should often add new short-term goals to what have been completed.
[单选题] Which of the following statements is NOT true?___________
A. People who love Nature prefer to live outside the city.
B. People who work in London prefer to live in the country.
C. Some people enjoying city life prefer to work and live inside London.
D. Many nature lovers, though working in London, prefer to live outside the city.
[单选题] Which of the following statements is true regarding the navigational watch?
A. In coastal waters, the navigator does not need to comply with traffic separation schemes strictly.
B. In coastal waters, the navigator should be prepared to use the engines if necessary, to ensure adequate sea room.
C. When the Master is on bridge, the OOW can be relieved of the responsibilities of safe navigation.
D. Calling for the Master for assistance indicates that the OOW is inefficient in handling emergencies.
[单选题] Which of the following statements is true about VHF?
A. The VHF is used to bridge short distances.
B. With VHF, listening and speaking can be done simultaneously.
C. When you wish to speak, you release the button.
D. When you wish to listen, you push the button.
[单选题] Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage? ____________
A. Shyness helps us to develop our potential
B. Shyness enables us to understand ourselves better
C. Shyness can block our chances for a rich life
D. Shyness has nothing to do with lack of self-esteem
[单选题] Which of the following statements is FALSE,concerning the regulations pertaining to the cylinder room of a fixed CO2 fire extinguishing system ________.
A.The compartment must be properly ventilated
B.The temperature of the room should never exceed 130℉
C.The door must be kept unlocked
D.The compartment shall be clearly marked and identifiable
[单选题] 6. Which of the following statements is true regarding position fixing?
A. When the ship is at sea, it is permissible to miss a turning.
B. It is not necessary to take s fix at every alteration of course.
C. At each of the position fixed, it is a must to ascertain the course made good .
D. It is rare practice to cross-check one nav-aid with another nav-aid.
[单选题] Which of the following statements is(are)correct regarding ship handling when in the vicinity of Traffic Separation Schemes ________.① A vessel shall,so far as practicable,avoid crossing traffic lanes;② If obliged to cross traffic lanes,shall do so as nearly as practicable at right angles to the general direction of traffic flow.
A.① only
B.② only
C.Both ① and ②
D.Neither ① nor ②
[单选题]以下对TYPE1系统说法错误的是( ) which of the following description of the TYPE1 system is not correct
A.此类系统可存储最后64段的故障信息 This type of system can store the last 64 leg of the fault information
B.TYPE1系统故障仅产生CLASS3级警告 TYPE1 system produces only CLASS3 alert
C.此类系统通过ARINC429与CMC相连 Thistype of system is connected through ARINC429 to CMC
[单选题]关于AGCF DDTool工具说法错误的是:( )。 Which of the following statements is wrong about the AGCF DDTool? ( )
A.机架配置需要手动填写,只需要填写机架号即可 The rack configuration should be set manually, and we can only configure the rack number.
B.每个机架对应多条数据 Every rack corresponds to several data records.
C.机框配置需要手动填写,需要填写,机架号、机框号、机框类型 The shelf configuration should be set manually, in which you should fill in rack number/ shelf number/ shelf type.
D.每个机框对应一条数据 Every shelf corresponds to one data record.
[多选题]关于I/O通信点说法错误的是( )
A.DI 模拟量输入
B.AI 模拟量输入
C.AO 数字量输出
E.AI 数字量输入
[单选题]以下说法描述错误的是( )。 Which of the following statements is wrong? ( )
A.在系统升级后,执行完./run.sh后,我们一般用ps -ef |grep serv来检查网管进程和服务启动情况 After system upgrade, after we have run the “./run.sh” command, we usually run the “ps -ef |grep serv” command to check the OMM process and service startup.
B.cnvmverfile文件夹中在有老版本和新版本文件共存时,系统会自动选择新版本文件进行升级 If the old version files and the new version files coexist under the cnvmverfile folder, the system automatically selects the new version file to perform upgrade.
C.在网管升级过程中”选择网元类型”:需要检查网元类型设置是否正确。” FTP服务器类型”与升级前保持一致 During the OMM version upgrade process, we need to check whether the NE type is set correctly and check whether the FTP server type is consistent with that before upgrade.
D.服务器节点号在IMS系统网元中一般是使用10000+网元号 The server node ID is usually set to 10000+NE ID in the IMS system.
[单选题]下列说法哪个是错误的?( )Which description is wrong?
A.EEC是通过EIVMU与飞机系统完成信息交联的 The interface between the EEC and aircraft system can be trasmit through the EIVMU.
B.油门角度信息(TRA)是通过EIVMU传输至EEC通道的 The TRA sent to EEC is through EIVMU
C.在EEC通道转换过程中,TBV处于失效安全状态 During the EEC switch over to the other channel,the TBV control goes to a fail-safe position.
[单选题]关于套利交易对期货市场的作用,下列说法错误的有 I.有利于被扭曲的价格关系恢复到正常水平 II.可以适当降低市场的流动性 Ⅲ.可以抑制市场的
过度投机 Ⅳ.有利于对冲价格风险 (1分,扣1.0分)
[单选题]下面关于MEL的说法哪一个是错误的( ) Which express about MEL is wrong?
A. MEL是维护标准 MEL is maintenance standard?
B.MEL是飞机持续适航管理的要求 MEL is the aircraft airworthiness management requirements
C.MEL是签派人员放行飞机的重要依据 MEL is an important referance for the dispatch personnel to dispatch the aircraft


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