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发布时间:2023-10-09 14:59:32

[单选题]Many people use wood stoves and fireplaces to heat their homes.Scientists have become worried about the smoke that they give off.Harmful chemicals are in the smoke.The smoke is causing air pollution.The pieces of pollution,called soot,are floating in the air.They are too tiny to see.Scientists must use a microscope to see them. Small amounts of soot are safe,but large amounts can be dangerous.The govenment wants to limit this kind of pollution.It may stop people from using their fireplaces. The air is tested every day.When soot levels are high,more than 65 micrograms of soot per cubic meter,factories must stop making smoke.The government thinks that limit should be much lower. Factories produce the most smoke and soot.But the government thinks that all types of burning should be limited.The soot levels from factories and homes could be limited.Home owners may have to install new wood stoves that they comply with the new law.Or,they may not be able to bum on days when the air quality is bad. Residents of some towns are fined if they violate the burning ban.Scientists hope these new regulations will make the air cleaner and less harmful to breathe. What could home owners do to comply with the new regulation?
A.Write a lette
B.Ask for permissio
C.Use more electricit
D.Install new low-soot fireplace

更多"[单选题]Many people use wood stoves an"的相关试题:

[单选题]Many people use wood stoves and fireplaces to heat their homes.Scientists have become worried about the smoke that they give off.Harmful chemicals are in the smoke.The smoke is causing air pollution.The pieces of pollution,called soot,are floating in the air.They are too tiny to see.Scientists must use a microscope to see them. Small amounts of soot are safe,but large amounts can be dangerous.The govenment wants to limit this kind of pollution.It may stop people from using their fireplaces. The air is tested every day.When soot levels are high,more than 65 micrograms of soot per cubic meter,factories must stop making smoke.The government thinks that limit should be much lower. Factories produce the most smoke and soot.But the government thinks that all types of burning should be limited.The soot levels from factories and homes could be limited.Home owners may have to install new wood stoves that they comply with the new law.Or,they may not be able to bum on days when the air quality is bad. Residents of some towns are fined if they violate the burning ban.Scientists hope these new regulations will make the air cleaner and less harmful to breathe. Why is the air quality tested every day?
A.Just in case someone ask
B.Scientists like to take test
C.Scientists are not very bus
D.To keep track of pollution level
[简答题]Recently.many citizens try to use the facilities in your university due to a shortage of public sports facilities in your city.Write a letter of aboui 100 words on this issue to the city department concerned to l)give your opinions briefly,and 2)make two or three suggestions.You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your own name at the end of the letter.Use"Ii Ming"instead Do not write the acldress.(10 points)
[单选题]请阅读短文,完成此题。 Many objects in daily use have clearly been influenced by science, but their form and function, their dimensions and appearance, were determined by technologists, artisans, designers, inventors, and engineers-use nonscientific modes of thought. This kind of thinking way is different from science. Many features and qualities of the objects that a technologist thinks about cannot be reduced to unambiguous verbal descriptions; they are dealt with the mind by a visual, nonverbal process. In the development of Western technology, it has been non-verbal thinking, by and large, that has fixed the outlines and filled in the details of our material surroundings. Pyramids, cathedrals, and rockets exist not because of geometry or thermodynamics, but because they were first a picture in the minds of those who built them. The creative shaping process of a technologist's mind can be seen in nearly every artifact that exists. For example, in designing a diesel engine, a technologist might impress individual ways of nonverbal thinking on the machine by continually using an intuitive sense of rightness and fitness. What would be the shape of the combustion chamber? Where should valves be placed? Should it have a long or short piston? Such questions have a range of answers that are supplied by experience, by physical requirements, by limitations of available space, and not least by a sense of form. Some decisions such as wall thickness and pin diameter, may depend on scientific calculations, but the nonscientific component of design remains primary. Design courses, then, should be an essential element in engineering curriculum. Nonverbal thinking of a central mechanism in engineering design, involves perceptions, the stock-in-trade of the artist, not the scientist. Because perceptive processes are not assumed to entail "hard thinking", nonverbal thought is sometimes seen as a primitive stage in the development of cognitive process and inferior to verbal or mathematical thought. But it is paradoxical that when the staff began the Historic American. Engineering Record wished to have drawing made of machines and isometric views of industrial processes for its historical record of America engineering, the only college students with the requisite abilities were not engineering students, but rather students attending architectural schools. If courses in design, which in a strongly analytical engineering curriculum provide the background required for practical problem-solving, are not provided, we can expect to encounter silly but costly errors occurring in advanced engineering systems. For example, early models of high-speed railroad cars loaded with sophisticated controls were unable to operate in a snowstorm because a fan sucked snow into the electrical system. Absurd random failures that plague automatic control systems are not merely trivial aberrations: they are a reflection of the chaos that results when design is assumed to be primarily a problem in mathematics. What is the author's attitude towards design courses? 查看材料
[单选题]The desk over there__hard wood.
A.is made of
B.is made from
C.is made up of
D.is made by
[单选题]What skill does he/she use when a student uses language knowledge and contextual clues to figure out the meaning of a new word?
[单选题]Text 4 Many Americans regard the jury system as a concrete expression of crucial democratic values,including the principles that all citizens who meet minimal qualifications of age and literacy are equally competent to serve on juries;that jurors should be selected randomly from a representative cross section of the community;that no citizen should be denied the right to serve on a jury on account of race,religion,sex,or national origin;that defendants are entitled to trial by their peers;and that verdicts should represent the conscience of the community and not just the letter of the law.The jury is also said to be the best surviving example of direct rather than representative democracy.In a direct democracy,citizens take turns governing themselves,rather than electing representatives to govern for them.But as recently as in 1968,jury selection procedures conflicted with these democratic ideals.In some states,for example,jury duty was limited to persons of supposedly superior intelligence,education,and moral character.Although the Supreme Court of the United States had prohibited intentional racial discrimination in jury selection as early as the 1880 case of Strauder v.West Virginia,the practice of selecting socalled elite or blueribbon juries provided a convenient way around this and other antidiscrimination laws.The system also failed to regularly include women on juries until the mid20th century.Although women first served on state juries in Utah in 1898,it was not until the 1940s that a majority of states made women eligible for jury duty.Even then several states automatically exempted women from jury duty unless they personally asked to have their names included on the jury list.This practice was justified by the claim that women were needed at home,and it kept juries unrepresentative of women through the 1960s.In 1968,the Congress of the United States passed the Jury Selection and Service Act,ushering in a new era of democratic reforms for the jury.This law abolished special educational requirements for federal jurors and required them to be selected at random from a cross section of the entire community.In the landmark 1975 decision Taylor v.Louisiana,the Supreme Court extended the requirement that juries be representative of all parts of the community to the state level.The Taylor decision also declared sex discrimination in jury selection to be unconstitutional and ordered states to use the same procedures for selecting male and female jurors. The practice of selecting socalled elite jurors prior to 1968 showed______
A.the inadequacy of antidiscrimination laws
B.the prevalent discrimination against certain races
C.the conflicting ideals in jury selection procedures
D.the arrogance common among the Supreme Court judges
[单选题]美国心理学家Wood Worth提出的"S-O-R行为表达式"中的"S"是指


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