Task 3
Considered from the point of view of vocabulary, there are few, if any, "pure" languages. Historically, English has been well -known as a word borrower, but it is equally true that every Western European language has supplemented(增补) its lexicon by adoptions from other languages. In this respect then, English was like the other immigrant languages brought to the New World, and in a broader sense, like every other language that has ever existed. Loan words occur even in the languages of aboriginal peoples. Even Indo- European, the hypothetical(假设的) parent of most of the languages found in Europe today and many of those in western Asia, appears to have borrowed words some 4000 years ago from Finno-Ugric, and to have furnished others in return. In the same manner, American Indian languages soon picked u A. American English B. different languages C. Romance language D. immigrant languages [单选题]散堆装货物装车应使用货运计量安全检测设备防止超载,装车后应采取()等措施防止偏载偏重。
A.测密 B.平顶 C. 计量 D. 量尺划线 [单选题]两台桥机并车起吊转子,(),现场总指挥应将转子起吊工艺、安全措施进行全面交底,并进行人员分工。
A.起吊中 B.检修前 C.起吊前 D.起吊后 E./ F./ G./ H./ [单项选择]目前在计算机广域网中主要采用( )技术。
A. 编码解码 B. 电路交换 C. 报文分组交换 D. 令牌总线 [判断题] ( )节流压井管汇可以作为日常灌钻井液的管线使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]111.视频图像出现光晕的原因是()。
A.摄像头坏了 B.镜头坏了 C.线路传输不畅 D.镜头未贴近监控玻璃 [单选题] 吡喹酮治疗慢性血吸虫病成人总剂量
A.30mg/kg B.40mg/kg C.50mg/kg D.60mg/kg E.120 mg/kg [判断题]预计水压较大的地区,探水钻进前,必须先安好孔口管和控制闸阀,进行耐压试验,达到设计承受的水压后,方准继续钻进。特别危险的地区,应有躲避场所,并规定避灾路线。
[单选题]业扩报装工作要求客户方或施工方进行现场( ),做好相关安全技术措施;确认工作范围内的安全措施符合现场工作需要。
A.安全交底 B.技术交底 C.型式交底 D.工艺交底 [判断题]凝汽式火电厂的厂用电约占发电厂输出功率的 6%~10%。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]提示锥体束受损的重要体征是
A.颈项强直 B.腹壁反射消失 C.膝腱反射消失 D.巴宾斯基征阳性 E.克尼格征阳性 我来回答: 提交