Sixty years ago, a man named Kenneth Arnold saw something that people are still {{U}} (51) {{/U}} today -something that changed popular culture for ever. Flying his plane over mountains in the US state of Washington, he saw a line of strange objects, either crescent -shaped or disc-like, flying {{U}} (52) {{/U}} the motion of a saucer skimming on water. The media soon picked up on the story -the Flying Saucers were here! Was the earth being {{U}} (53) {{/U}} by creatures from another planet Soon, so many sightings were made that the US military began to {{U}} (54) {{/U}}. It called these strange objects UFOs -Unidentified Flying Objects, and that is how they are {{U}} (55) {{/U}} today. Military investi A. above B. to C. at D. up [判断题]学校教育产生于有阶级的奴隶社会。
[单选题]静压与流压之差称为( )压差。
A.流动 B.生产 C.流饱 D.总 [填空题]高速铁路接触网冬季夜间作业,要做好防冰冻的<--NRC-->。
[判断题]单册会计档案厚度一般不超过10厘米。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 任何个人和组织不得窃取或者以其他非法方式获取个人信息,不得非法出售或者非法向他人提供个人信息。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 薄荷在逍遥散中的作用是( )
A.清热利咽 B.疏散透达 C.辛散表邪,透热外出 D.辛凉透疹 E.清热解毒 [多选题]金融机构及其工作人员发现其他交易的( )等有异常情形,经分析认为涉嫌洗钱的,应当向中国反洗钱监测分析中心提交可疑交易报告。
A.金额 B.频率 C.流向 D.性质 [单项选择]德育过程是对学生知、情、意、行的培养和提高的过程,其实施顺序是()。
A. 以知为开端,知情意行依次进行 B. 以情为开端,情知意行依次进行 C. 以行为开端,行知情意依次进行 D. 视具体情况,可以有多种开端和顺序 [判断题]对跨局运用的设备应建立协作制度,相关维护单位要统筹安排检修项目、作业时间。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]氧气瓶内的压力降到()MPa,不准再使用。
A.0.2 B.0.3 C.0.4 D.0.5 我来回答: 提交