Artificial flowers are used for
scientific as Well as for decorative purposes. They are made from (51)
of materials, such as wax and glass, so skillfully that they can
scarcely be (52) from natural flowers. In making such models,
painstaking skill and artistry are called for, (53) thorough
knowledge of plant structure. The (54) of glass flowers in
the Botanical Museum of Harvard University is the most famous in North America
and is widely known (55) the scientific world. (56)
, there are several thousand models in colored glass, the work of two
artist naturalists, Leopold Blalschka and his son Rudolph. The intention was to have the collection (57) at least one member of each flower family native to the United States. (58) it was never completed, it contains more than seven hundred species A. in addition B. as well C. as well as D. moreover [单项选择]赛庚啶属于()
A. 氨基醚类 B. 乙二胺类 C. 哌嗪类 D. 丙胺类 E. 三环类 [判断题]材料、设备堆放场地应平坦、不积水,地基应坚实。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]锅炉受热面管子是在(),腐蚀介质和()作用下长期工作的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]沥青针入度测定仪油样需在( )中存放、试验。A:20℃ B:25℃ C:30℃
A.A B.B C.C [单项选择]某男生吃水果后出现腹痛腹泻,伴里急后重,体温38.5℃,化验血常规示白细胞10×109/L,淋巴细胞0.10,便常规示脓液(++),红细胞6个/HP,白细胞10个/HP,最可能诊断为()
A. 细菌性痢疾 B. 霍乱 C. 肠伤寒 D. 病毒性肠炎 E. 食物中毒 [单项选择]颅内高压病因或定位诊断不正确的是( )
A. 病史 B. 颅内高压“三主征” C. 脑的局灶性症状 D. 颅脑X线平片 E. 脑CT、脑血管造影 [单项选择]主要用于办理企(事)业单位日常的转账结算和现金收付,且其工资、资金等现金的支取只能通过此账户办理。该账户是( )。
A. 基本存款账户 B. 一般存款账户 C. 临时存款账户 D. 专用存款账户 [单选题]《煤矿安全规程》第四十六条规定:斜井(巷)施工期间兼作行人道时,必须每隔()M设置躲避硐并设红灯。
A.40 B.50 C.60 [单选题] 财富顾问----(单选题)个人客户到我行网点签订《齐鲁银行“齐鲁缴费通”委托代扣协议》时须持齐鲁卡或银行结算账户存折和( )办理。
A.驾驶证 B.组织机构代码证 C.有效身份证件 我来回答: 提交