In the Arizona desert, tomatoes hang
from ceilings, spinach grows without soil and shrimp lire in indoor pools.
What’s going on.’ Food research! People perform these experiments to learn how to produce more food. There will be over 6.5 bil- lion people on earth after two decades. We will have to produce four times as much food as we do now to feed all these people. But each year there is less fresh water, the soil loses nutrients and buildings take up more land. We must learn to use resources we have always thought unusable. So, the Environ- mental Research Laboratory in Arizona tries to grow food without soil, in the desert, and with salt water. So far the results have been excellent. The new methods yield twenty times more tomatoes and cu-cumbers than can be grown on a farm. About sixty times as many shrimp can be raised A. people get hungrier every year B. the population of the world is growing C. there are too many unemployed farmers D. people do not like the food now produced [单项选择]能延缓石膏凝固时间的添加剂是
A. 枸橼酸钾 B. 硅酸乙酯 C. 磷酸盐 D. 硫酸盐 E. 明矾 [单项选择]The government cannot operate effectively________ it is free from such interference.
A. so long as B. so that C. unless D. because [简答题]《规范》(动车组)中,对餐车经营行为是如何规定的?
[单选题]在特殊情况下大型养路机械液压油的工作温度也不能超过( )。
A.70℃ B.80℃ C.90℃ D.100℃ [判断题]选择F3键“电空制动”并检查制动屏设置是否正确。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]正式提出胸痹病名的医籍是
A. 《内经》 B. 《伤寒论》 C. 《金匮要略》 D.《证治准绳》 D. 《丹溪心法》 [填空题]
Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. A man steps on what seems like solid ground but
discovers with horror that the ground is giving way beneath his feet. The man
struggles {{U}} (36) {{/U}}, but he is mercilessly {{U}} (37)
{{/U}} He cannot escape. Slowly he sinks deeper and deeper until at last he
is gone, {{U}} (38) {{/U}} in the treacherou
A.确认所有舱门滑梯处于预位状态 B.广播通告旅客 禁用盥洗室 C.广播通告旅客解开安全带 D.客舱乘务员应均匀分布于每个出口附近并明确最近灭火瓶的位置 [多选题]生产环境的( )等能影响毒物的毒性作用。
A.温度 B.湿度 C.气压 D.气流 [单选题]《TB/T2340-2012》标准规定数字探伤仪不应有( ),并能按照指定的数据格式导出数据等功能。
A.测速 B.数据回放 C.超速报警 D.手动 [单选题]高压试验过程中,变更接线或试验结束,应断开试验电源,并将升压设备的高压部分( ) 。
A.放电 B.短路接地 C.放电、短路 D.放电、短路接地 [单选题]入段信号机采用二灯三显示红灯表示:()。
A.引导接车 B.允许调车 C.禁止越过该信号机 D.允许进车辆段 [简答题]列车调度指挥系统(TDCS)和调度集中系统(CTC)区段,车站应采用____。
[单选题]核查事故企业仓储类型(石油库原油储备库成品油库液化烃罐区化工液体储罐区低温储罐区),是否为( )道路运输物流储运生产储运一体化企业,了解储存介质种类理化性质和库容规模。
A.生产经营 B.介质种类 C.理化性质 D.库容规模 [不定项选择题]一般来说,对个体行为有长久推动作用的是( )。单选
A.外在动机 B.社会动机 C.内部动机 D.自然动机 [简答题]简述施工阶段质量控制的要点。
A. 妊娠腹痛 B. 胎动不安 C. 胎漏 D. 堕胎 E. 滑胎 [单项选择]广告主对广告投资认识的正确观念是( )。
A. 以成本回收为依据来评价广告投资 B. 广告是一种简单投资 C. 广告使用的媒体手段不是越多越好 [单项选择]一条长20分米的铁丝,截成两段,短的一条只有长的一条的2/3长,短的一条有多长( )
A. 7分米 B. 8分米 C. 9分米 D. 12分米 [判断题]输气站的任务就是对上游来气进行分离除尘、调压计量、输往下游站,并向用户平稳供气。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )不属于一级调度。
A.环调 B.维调 C.电调 D.车站值班站长 [填空题]病机十九条中"(),皆属于脾;诸热瞀瘛,皆属于()
[单选题] "一级损失。货物损失款额()元以上的。
A.5万 B.10万 C.1万 D.20万 " [判断题]听到“坐下”的口令后,右小腿在左小腿后交叉,迅速坐下,手指自然并拢放在两膝上,上体保持正直。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]智博版客户、智锐版客户银企对账网银身份由()签名认定。
A. 网银证书 B. 户名 C. 密码 D. 数字证书 [判断题]法律事务部门应对保证担保的真实性、合法性、有效性和可靠性进行审查。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]依据《电业安全工作规程(第1部分:热力和机械部分)》(GB26164.1-2010),高处作业地点的下方应设置隔离区,隔离区域为R与起吊工件最大长度之和,当作业位置至其底部的垂直距离为20m时,R应为()。
A. 2m B. 3m C. 4m D. 5m [单选题]脂溶性维生素包括( )。
A. 维生素C B. 维生素A、D C. 维生素B族 D. 维生素E 我来回答: 提交