Until recently, mobile radio was to
wireless communications what the Yugo was to transportation. With a mixed
clientele ranging from truckers using CBs to police armed with walkie-talkies to
taxi drivers dispatched by radio, it was viewed as an unglamorous business and a
technological backwater. But specialized mobile radio, as it is known, has been rediscovered. It is now considered one of the biggest prizes in the all-out war for the public airwaves. The reason: high-tech companies have figured out how to profitably rebuild the antiquated dispatching system into an advanced cellular-telephone network that can take on the likes of AT & T and the giant Baby Bells. Upstart Nextel Communications sent shock waves through the industry last week when it agreed to buy Motorola’s SMR frequencies for $1.8 billion. That could pose a serio A. Its technological features have radically changed. B. It has been rebuilt to cater to various subscribers. C. Its dimensions have been reduced by wide margins. D. It was connected to a greater variety of services. [填空题] You will hear five different business telephone calls.
For each exact there are two tasks. For Task One, choose the receiver’’s information of each call from the list A—H. For Task Two, choose the caller’’s purpose described from the list A—H.
You will hear the recording twice.
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]1( )的报告和调查处理不适用《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》。
A.环境污染事故 B.核设施事故 C.国防科研生产事故 D.生产经营活动中发生的造成人身伤亡 E.工程质量事故 [单项选择]泥浆比重计是根据()设计的。
A. 热力学第一定律 B. 万有引力定律 C. 能量守恒原理 D. 杠杆原理 [多项选择]物理镇痛的适应证有()。
A. 坐骨神经痛 B. 风湿性关节炎 C. 产后腰痛 D. 牙龈炎 E. 痤疮 [单项选择]根据我国《劳动合同法》的规定,下列选项中,用人单位可以解除劳动合同的是( )。
A. 患病或者非因工负伤,在规定的医疗期内 B. 女职工在孕期、产期、哺乳期 C. 在本单位连续工作满15年,且距法定退休年龄不足5年 D. 劳动者不能胜任工作,经过培训或者调整工作岗位,仍不能胜任工作 [单项选择]增加总胆固醇、三酰甘油和LDL-C、VLPL-C的浓度:
A. 氢氯噻嗪 B. 普萘洛尔 C. 二者均是 D. 二者均否 [单项选择]
Research on animal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are. (1) the fruit-fly experiments described in Carl Zimmer’s piece in the Science Times on Tuesday. Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly (2) to live shorter lives. This suggests that (3) bulbs burn longer, that there is an (4) in not being too terrifically bright. [多选题]以下关于项目监理机构审查施工组织设计,符合要求的是( )。
A.施工组织设计的编审程序应符合要求 B.总监理工程师审查后发现不符合要求的,应口头通知施工单位进行修改 C.项目监理机构应将已审定的施工组织设计及时报送建设单位 D.经审查批准的施工组织设计,施工单位应认真贯彻实施 E.施工单位擅自改动施工组织设计时,项目监理机构应及时发出监理通知单 [单选题]流行性脑脊髓膜炎典型脑脊液外观是
A.血水样 B.毛玻璃样 C.绿色脓样 D.米汤样 E.稍混浊 [多项选择]压滤机压煤泥不成饼的原因:()
A. 入料浓度低 B. 入料粒度太小,过滤性能差 C. 滤布折迭 [多项选择]E-601型蒸发器,主要由()组成。
A. 蒸发桶 B. 水圈 C. 测针 D. 溢流桶 [单选题] 一般情况下220V工频电压作用下人体的电阻为( )。
A.500至1000 B.800至1600 C.1000至2000 [判断题]公民、法人无权对行政许可的设定和实施提出意见和建议。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]患者男性,29岁,呼吸困难,气急,乏力,心衰,心界扩大,听诊有瓣膜反流性杂音,临床诊断为扩张型心肌病。关于扩张型心肌病,不正确的说法有()
A. 左室腔明显扩大 B. 室壁运动弥漫性减低 C. SAM现象 D. 左室心尖部可见血栓形成 E. 大心腔、小瓣口改变 F. 室壁运动节段性增强 G. 荡击波征 [单选题]-B-001 4 2 3
生产经营单位应当教育和督促从业人员严格执行本单位的安全生产规章制度和安全()。 A.生产操作 B.操作制度 C.操作规程 D.操作程序 [T/] [判断题]行政强制措施,是指行政机关在实施行政管理的过程中,依法对公民人身自由进行限制,或者对公民、法人或者其他组织的财产实施控制的措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,女性,45岁,胆囊结石5年,曾胆绞痛发作3次,B超示胆囊结石5枚,直径1~2cm,首选的治疗方法是
A. 胆囊切除 B. 溶石治疗 C. 体外震波碎石治疗 D. 抗感染治疗 E. 排石治疗 [填空题]二次衬砌施工的顺序是仰拱超前,(墙、拱)整体浇筑。标准断面应采用移动式模板台车,墙、拱整体浇筑。边墙基础高度的设置()应避开剪应力最大的截面。
A.异常现象类别 B.出现异常现象的位置 C.异常现象的成因 D.沉降量较小 E.沉降比较均匀 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程 机巡、新能源部分(试行)》第8.3.10条规定:屋顶光伏系统巡视应沿运维通道进行,禁止踩踏( )等易踏空区域。
A.坚固的支架 B.运维通道 C.绿化带 D.采光带 [单项选择]What do you learn about the man
A. He will definitely not lend her the money. B. He will lend her the money. C. He might lend her the money. D. He thinks it is still a question. 我来回答: 提交