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发布时间:2023-10-21 23:02:00

[单项选择]Les routes sont couvertes de ______.
A. gels
B. givres
C. verglas
D. gelées

更多"Les routes sont couvertes de ______"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Au magasin, une fois que les achats sont faits, on peut payer en ______ ou par carte de crédit à la caisse.
A. argent
B. espèces
C. monnaie
D. numéraire
[填空题]Vous n’avez pas fait tous les efforts que vous (devoir)_____ faire.
[单项选择]Les luttes des orateurs, les mouvements du public rendent une séance ______.
A. fiévreuse
B. fébrile
C. passionnée
D. agitée
A. 防止十二指肠内容物反流入胃
B. 防止咽部食物呛入气管
C. 防止胃内容物反流入食管
D. 帮助食管蠕动,使其顺利进入胃内
E. 使食物由胃体进入胃窦
[填空题]The writer tells us there are three routes of transmitting HIV.

[填空题]Les sportifs s’entra nent ______ tous les temps, qu’il fasse plus de 35* ou qu’il gèle à pierre fendre, ______ la pluie ou le vent.
[简答题]Task Ⅱ
Directions: Write a composition of no less than 150 words, giving your views on the following question:
Should companies give men and women equal opportunities to have time off work to look after their children
[单项选择]"Those with a large social circle are actually less satisfied with their lives than those with a smaller group of friends who are close to them." This finding appears in a report released last week, which is a part of the product of a 1-year social research program. More than 1,000 persons are interviewed about their attitude and feeling for their friends. And those interviewed are diversified, from the perspective of gender, age, and occupation as well as marital statues.
"Of course, we can not imagine a life without any friend", said Jeff, one of the researchers from the research program, "but when it comes to friends, it is definitely not a matter of the more, the better". He also pointed out that with our growing up, the life situation in front of us will become complicated, and some of the friends, especially those we made while doing business, will turn out to be more like a burden than a support, which may sound surprising to those who haven’t put too much thought into th
A. Friends: More like a Burden than a Support.
B. A Life without Friends is Meaningless.
C. Friends: When Less is More.
D. Cut Off the Unwanted Friends.
[简答题]Le nettoyage des classes sera effectué par les étudiants eux-mêmes.
[简答题]On vient de la nommer directrice de l’usine.
A. 胃排空延迟
B. 高脂饮食
C. 钙拮抗剂
D. 妊娠
E. 呕吐
A. 10~30mmHg
B. 4~15mmHg
C. 30~50mmHg
D. <6mmHg
E. >25mmHg
[填空题]Kerosene lamps and conventional bulbs give off less ______ than GSBF lamps.
[单项选择]Junior economists Diane Foreman and Les Harlan are discussing the concepts of aggregate hours and real wage rates and how they relate to real GDP. They state the following: Foreman: Aggregate hours are a more accurate measure of total labor input than the number of people employed. Aggregate hours tend to be positively correlated with real GDP growth. Harlan: Real wage rates have not increased as much over time as the productivity of labor, but that is largely because a greater share of labor compensation now comes in the form of employer-paid benefits. Are Foreman and Harlan correct Foreman Harlan()①A. Correct Correct ②B. Correct Incorrect ③C. Incorrect Correct
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③
A. 胃排空延迟
B. 妊娠
C. 吸烟
D. 高脂饮食
E. 感染幽门螺杆菌
[单项选择]Dans les domaines culturels et artistiques, je retiendrai plus particulièrement ______ de Zhao Wu-ki, que le public cantonnais a chaleureusement accueillie.
A. présentation
B. exhibition
C. foire
D. exposition
[单项选择]Why does the speaker say financial targets are less likely to motivate workers
A. They will not bring real benefits to the staff.
B. They concern a small number of people only.
C. They are arbitrarily set by the administrators.
D. They are beyond the control of ordinary workers.
A. 10~30mmHg
B. 4~15mmHg
C. 30~50mmHg
D. <6mmHg
E. >25mmHg
A. 某事件的得分为影响程度分、持续时间分及发生次数的总和
B. 可用于指导受试者了解自己的精神压力,维护心身健康
C. 应由受试者按一般规律标出某事件对自己来说是好事还是坏事
D. 应由受试者对每项事件说明具体的发生时间


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