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发布时间:2023-10-21 13:48:39

[单项选择]I came to feminism the way some people come to social movements in their early years: out of self-interest. I got on the equality bandwagon because I was a young woman with a streak of ambition a mile wide, and without a change in the atmosphere I thought I was going to wind up living a life that would make me crazy. As my father said not long ago, "Can you imagine what it would have been like if you had been born 50 years earlier Your life would have been miserable." The great thing was that it was possible to do good for all while you were doing well for yourself. Each of us rose on the shoulders of women who had come before us. Move up, reach down: that was the motto of those who were worth knowing. But it was not just other women we elevated, but entire enterprises. More women on the staffs and the mastheads of the country"s largest publications changed them. It resulted in newspapers and magazines that covered women as more than a mixture of recipes and fashion collections. But there"s one question that always lurks around the margins of the battle for equal rights: how will we know when we"ve won Sometimes it seems like a classic dance of two steps forward, one back. Indra Nooyi, an Indian-born number cruncher, was recently named CEO of Pepsi. But that makes her one of only 11 women now running a Fortune 500 company, which works out to slightly more than 2 percent. And Forbes magazine just published an essay titled "Don"t Marry Career Women" by a male writer who couldn"t see the advantages of a wife who could pay the mortgage and support the children even if her husband lost his job or suffered a massive coronary. That kind of nonsense takes you back in time, to the early days when women dumped babies on the desk of the mayor of Syracuse to protest the lack of child care. Maybe it was the classic protest slogan "Don"t cook dinner—starve a rat today," but the perception was that the fight for equality was a war against men. But the battle was really against the waste of talent, the waste to society, the waste of women who had certain gifts and goals and had to suppress both. The point was not to take over male terrain but to change it because it badly needed changing. The depth and breadth of that transformation is what reflects the success of the movement, and by that measure, women are doing well. And so is everyone else.The best reason for women"s rise is that
A. women helped each other in social life.
B. more women were employed and achieved success.
C. more women succeeded in food and fashion industries.
D. a valuable motto encouraged women to strive.

更多"I came to feminism the way some peo"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I came to feminism the way some people come to social movements in their early years: out of self-interest. I got on the equality bandwagon because I was a young woman with a streak of ambition a mile wide, and without a change in the atmosphere I thought I was going to wind up living a life that would make me crazy. As my father said not long ago, "Can you imagine what it would have been like if you had been born 50 years earlier Your life would have been miserable." The great thing was that it was possible to do good for all while you were doing well for yourself. Each of us rose on the shoulders of women who had come before us. Move up, reach down: that was the motto of those who were worth knowing. But it was not just other women we elevated, but entire enterprises. More women on the staffs and the mastheads of the country"s largest publications changed them. It resulted in newspapers and magazines that covered women as more than a mixture of recipes and fashion collections. But there"s one question that always lurks around the margins of the battle for equal rights: how will we know when we"ve won Sometimes it seems like a classic dance of two steps forward, one back. Indra Nooyi, an Indian-born number cruncher, was recently named CEO of Pepsi. But that makes her one of only 11 women now running a Fortune 500 company, which works out to slightly more than 2 percent. And Forbes magazine just published an essay titled "Don"t Marry Career Women" by a male writer who couldn"t see the advantages of a wife who could pay the mortgage and support the children even if her husband lost his job or suffered a massive coronary. That kind of nonsense takes you back in time, to the early days when women dumped babies on the desk of the mayor of Syracuse to protest the lack of child care. Maybe it was the classic protest slogan "Don"t cook dinner—starve a rat today," but the perception was that the fight for equality was a war against men. But the battle was really against the waste of talent, the waste to society, the waste of women who had certain gifts and goals and had to suppress both. The point was not to take over male terrain but to change it because it badly needed changing. The depth and breadth of that transformation is what reflects the success of the movement, and by that measure, women are doing well. And so is everyone else.The author came to women movement owing to
A. her interest in it.
B. her father.
C. her ambitions.
D. her miserable life.
[单项选择]He came all the way to China for promoting friendship ______ for making money.
A. other than
B. more than
C. better than
D. rather than
[填空题]Let’s try(do) ______ the work some other way.
[填空题]Some students come up empty at graduation because ______.
[填空题]Only when I came across some trouble and had no one to rely on ______(我才意识到自立的重要性).
[单项选择]The UK government has some way to go in building trust in its handling of genetic modification in agriculture.
Lessons learnt in Britain ( and no doubt elsewhere ) from the BSE (疯牛病) crisis were evident in the UK government’s announcements last week of plans to change the way it regulates genetically modified crops. Out goes any lingering assumption that the technology is inherently safe, and in comes a new requirement for industry to demonstrate practically that its products will not have adverse ecological effects.
In a welcome move, a new steering group of scientists will be able to commission research it considers necessary on the ecological impacts of genetically modified crops. The government, in turn, promises not to allow the commercialization of any crop until the scientists are reasonably satisfied that it is safe to proceed.
The government’s attempts to build public trust in its scientific advice, and to include public views in its policy decisions, however, l
A. It is beneficial to find some way to build trust in genetic modification in agriculture.
B. The technology must be inherently safe, its products exerting no adverse ecological effects.
C. With its handling of genetic modification in agriculture, the practical technology is booming.
D. A strict assumption and a new requirement may have more probably helped.
[单项选择]Embarrassed, I nodded, trying to think of some way to()my error
A. make do with
B. make up for
C. go in for
D. go along with
[填空题]What did children come to her for Children came to her for ______.
Here They Come

Most of the immigrants came because they were hungry—hungry for more bread and for better bread. America offered that. Europe was old; America was young. European soil had been farmed for many years; American soil was practically untouched. In Europe the land was in the hands of a few people, the upper classes; in America the land was available to all. In Europe it was difficult to get work; in America it was easy to get work. In Europe there were too many laborers looking for the few available jobs, so wages were low; in America there weren’t enough laborers to fill the available jobs, so wages were high.
A bigger and better loaf of bread, then, attracted most of the inpouring hordes of people to America. But many came for other reasons. One was religious persecution. If you were a Catholic in a Protestant country, or a Protestant in another kind of Protestant country, or a Jew in almost any country, you were ofte


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