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发布时间:2024-07-11 21:37:58

[单项选择]I remember meeting him one evening with his pushcart. I had managed to sell all my papers and was coming home in the snow. It was that strange hour in downtown New York when the workers were pouring homeward in the twilight. I marched among thousands of tired men and women whom the factory whistles had unyoked. They flowed in rivers through the clothing factory districts, then down along the avenues to the East Side. I met my father near Cooper Union. I recognized him, a hunched, frozen figure in an old overcoat standing by a banana cart. He looked so lonely; the tears came to my eyes. Then he saw me, and his face lit with his sad, beautiful smile — Charlie Chaplin"s smile. "Arch, it"s Mikey," he said. "So you have sold your papers! Come and eat a banana." He offered me one. I refused it. I felt it crucial that my father sell his bananas, not give them away. He thought I was shy, and coaxed and joked with me, and made me eat the banana. It smelled of wet straw and snow. "You haven"t sold many bananas today, pop," I said anxiously. He shrugged his shoulders. "What can I do No one seems to want them." It was true. The work crowds pushed home morosely over the pavements. The rusty sky darkened over New York building, the tall street lamps were lit, innumerable trucks, street cars and elevated trains clattered by. Nobody and nothing in the great city stopped for my father"s bananas. "I ought to yell," said my father dolefully. "I ought to make a big noise like other peddlers, but it makes my throat sore. Anyway, I"m ashamed of yelling, it makes me feel like a fool." I had eaten one of his bananas. My sick conscience told me that I ought to pay for it somehow. I must remain here and help my father. "I"ll yell for you, pop," I volunteered. "Arch, no," he said, "go home; you have worked enough today. Just tell momma I"ll be late." But I yelled and yelled. My father, standing by, spoke occasional words of praise, and said I was a wonderful yeller. Nobody else paid attention. The workers drifted past us wearily, endlessly; a defeated army wrapped in dreams of home. Elevated trains crashed; the Cooper Union clock burned above us; the sky grew black, the wind poured, the slush burned through our shoes. There were thousands of strange, silent figures pouring over the sidewalks in snow. None ot them stopped to buy bananas. I yelled and yelled, nobody listened. My father tried to stop me at last. "Nu," he said smiling to console me, "that was wonderful yelling. Mikey. But it"s plain we are unlucky today! Let"s go home." I was frantic, and almost in tears. I insisted on keeping up my desperate yells. But at last my father persuaded me to leave with him.Which of the following is intended to be a pair of contrast in the passage
A. Huge crowds and lonely individuals.
B. Weather conditions and street lamps.
C. Clattering trains and peddlers" yells.
D. Moving crowds and street traffic.

更多"I remember meeting him one evening "的相关试题:

[单项选择]I remember meeting him one evening with his pushcart. I had managed to sell all my papers and was coming home in the snow. It was that strange hour in downtown New York when the workers were pouring homeward in the twilight. I marched among thousands of tired men and women whom the factory whistles had unyoked. They flowed in rivers through the clothing factory districts, then down along the avenues to the East Side. I met my father near Cooper Union. I recognized him, a hunched, frozen figure in an old overcoat standing by a banana cart. He looked so lonely; the tears came to my eyes. Then he saw me, and his face lit with his sad, beautiful smile — Charlie Chaplin"s smile. "Arch, it"s Mikey," he said. "So you have sold your papers! Come and eat a banana." He offered me one. I refused it. I felt it crucial that my father sell his bananas, not give them away. He thought I was shy, and coaxed and joked with me, and made me eat the banana. It smelled of wet straw and snow. "You haven"t sold many bananas today, pop," I said anxiously. He shrugged his shoulders. "What can I do No one seems to want them." It was true. The work crowds pushed home morosely over the pavements. The rusty sky darkened over New York building, the tall street lamps were lit, innumerable trucks, street cars and elevated trains clattered by. Nobody and nothing in the great city stopped for my father"s bananas. "I ought to yell," said my father dolefully. "I ought to make a big noise like other peddlers, but it makes my throat sore. Anyway, I"m ashamed of yelling, it makes me feel like a fool." I had eaten one of his bananas. My sick conscience told me that I ought to pay for it somehow. I must remain here and help my father. "I"ll yell for you, pop," I volunteered. "Arch, no," he said, "go home; you have worked enough today. Just tell momma I"ll be late." But I yelled and yelled. My father, standing by, spoke occasional words of praise, and said I was a wonderful yeller. Nobody else paid attention. The workers drifted past us wearily, endlessly; a defeated army wrapped in dreams of home. Elevated trains crashed; the Cooper Union clock burned above us; the sky grew black, the wind poured, the slush burned through our shoes. There were thousands of strange, silent figures pouring over the sidewalks in snow. None ot them stopped to buy bananas. I yelled and yelled, nobody listened. My father tried to stop me at last. "Nu," he said smiling to console me, "that was wonderful yelling. Mikey. But it"s plain we are unlucky today! Let"s go home." I was frantic, and almost in tears. I insisted on keeping up my desperate yells. But at last my father persuaded me to leave with him."unyoked" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to______.
A. sent out
B. released
C. dispatched
D. removed
[单项选择]No one can()him in his knowledge of math.
A. equal
B. help
C. agree
D. match
[填空题]His English teacher helped him with his English. His English teacher helped him ______.
[填空题]His English teacher helped him with his English.
His English teacher helped him ______.

Who honored him with his portrait
A. A well-known artist.
B. Parliament.
C. His friend.
[单项选择](), we could forgive him for his mistakes!
A. Were he still a child
B. If he is still a child
C. Is he still a child
D. He were still a child
[单项选择]The customs officer()him open his three suitcases.
A. forced
B. made
C. asked
D. urged
[填空题] We admire him for his ambition to become a first-rate scholar in American Studies.
A. A.我们很赞赏他雄心勃勃,要做一个美国问题研究方面的一流学者。

[填空题]"My advisor wants me to call him by his first name," many foreign graduate students in the U.S. have said, "But I just can’t do it. It doesn’t seem right. I have to show my respect. "
On the other hand, professors have said of foreign students, "They keep bowing and saying ’Yes, sir, yes, sir.’ I can hardly stand it. I wish they’d stop being so polite and just say what they have on their minds. "
Differing ideas about formality and respect frequently complicate relationships between American professors and students from abroad, especially Asian students (especially female Asian students). The professors generally prefer informal relationships (sometimes, but not always, including the use of first names rather than titles and family names) and little acknowledgment of status differences. Many foreign students are used to more formal relationships and sometimes have difficulty bringing themselves to speak to their teachers at all, let alone addressing them by their given na
[单项选择]You can’t()him in his knowledge of physics.
A. equal
B. agree
C. help
D. match
[单项选择]I was ______ the point of telephoning him when his letter arrived.
A. to
B. on
C. at
D. in
[单项选择]He is no pop fan and to him one pop song is very much like ( ).
A. the other
B. others
C. another
D. the others


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