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发布时间:2023-10-21 14:34:04

[单项选择]Under the influence of market economy some research activities have been______ from basic research towards practical goals.
A. relayed
B. revolved
C. diverted
D. rectified

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M:This is Jim Evens from Market Research Corporation. We’re conducting a nationwide survey of people’s reading habits. May I ask you a few questions
W:Oh, I suppose.
M:Do you read any newspapers and, if so, which ones
W:I read the NewYorkTimes and the Wall Street Journal.
M:Okay, do you subscribe to these newspapers
W:I subscribe to theTimes. But I get the Wall Street Journal at the office.
M:I see.What about magazines Do you subscribe to any
W:Oh, yeah, I get Fortune and Psychology Today. And my husband gets Esquire, so I read that too, sometimes.
M:About how many hours a week do you read magazines then
W:Oh, about two or three.
M:All right. Now, do you read books regularly and, if so what type
W:Well, novels are my favorite but, to tell you the truth, I haven’t read one in quite a while, rm taking a class at night, so the only books rve been reading
A. An investigation company
B. A newly set-up newspaper firm
C. A sales company
D. A market research company

[单项选择]Under perfect competition, the short-run market supply curve is most accurately described by which of the following statements The market short-run supply curve is the:()
A. average of the quantities at each price along the marginal cost curve for all firms in a given industry.
B. sum of the quantities at each price along the average total cost curve for all firms in a given industry.
C. sum of the quantities at each price along the marginal cost curves for all firms in a given industry.
[单项选择]Under the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), the major effort of the portfolio manager should be to:()
A. minimize systematic risk in the portfolio.
B. stay the course by following a strict buy and hold strategy.
C. achieve complete diversification of the portfolio.
[单项选择]Many people are asking whether traditional research universities in fact have any future().
A. at all
B. so far
C. in all
D. on end
[填空题]American Group Dynamics
Today, in Western research institutes and university department, much work is done as a team project and American group dynamics is a topic we should be familiar with.
I. The View of Professional and (1) Relationships (1) ______
1. Separate the two relationships
—no need to (2) with your co-workers (2) ______
—no need to socialize with your co-workers after office hours
2. Neglect the conflicting personalities or (3) (3) ______
—put aside your negative attitude towards a coworker and
Ⅱ. Equality and Participation
1. Everyone is treated as (4) (4) ______
—express his/her opinion freely
2. A leader’s role
—not dominate a group
—not the important person
—make sure everyone (5) (5) ______
—act more like (6) than a boss (6) ______
—make sure the discussion s

Scientists are now studying a new field of research called psychoimmunology. It is based on the idea that people who are depressed or have a lot of stress are more likely to become sick. Researchers have recently found a connection between diseases and stressful situations. To test this theory, psychoimmunologists are trying to find a link between the brain and the immune system.
The immune system in our bodies fights the bacteria and viruses which cause disease. Therefore, whether or not we are likely to get various diseases depends on how well our immune system works. Biologists used to think that the immune system was a separate, independent part of our bodies. Recently, however, they have found that our brain can affect our immune system. This discovery indicates that there may be a connection between emotional factors, such as stress or depression, and illness.
Although many doctors in the past suspected a connection between emotional factors and disease, the


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