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发布时间:2024-02-02 01:39:51

[单项选择]What is happiness Most researchers agree that it involves an assessment of the good and bad in our lives. It"s the emotional balance sheet we keep that allows us to say honestly whether we"re living a happy life, in spite of bad things now and then.. Marriage has taken a lot of hits since the 1960s. It"s been said to hold many people, especially women, back from their full potential to be happy. Don"t believe it. In 2004, 42 percent of married Americans said they were very happy. Just 23 percent of never-married people said this. The happiness numbers were even lower for other groups: Only 20 percent of those who were widowed(死了丈夫或妻子的), 17 percent of those who were divorced, and 11 percent of those who were separated but not divorced said they were happy. Overall, married people were six times more likely to say that they were very happy than to report that they were not too happy. And generally speaking, married women say they"re happy more often than married men. Marriage isn"t just associated with happiness -- it brings happiness, at least for a lot of us. One 2003 study that followed 24,000 people for more than a decade documented a significant increase in happiness after people married. For some, the happiness increase wore off in a few years, and they ended up back at their premarriage happiness levels. But for others, it lasted as long as a lifetime.Among the people investigated in 2004, those who were seemed to be least happy were______.
A. separated but not divorced
B. never-married
C. widowed
D. married and divorced

更多"What is happiness Most researchers "的相关试题:

[单项选择]What is happiness Most researchers agree that it involves an assessment of the good and bad in our lives. It"s the emotional balance sheet we keep that allows us to say honestly whether we"re living a happy life, in spite of bad things now and then.. Marriage has taken a lot of hits since the 1960s. It"s been said to hold many people, especially women, back from their full potential to be happy. Don"t believe it. In 2004, 42 percent of married Americans said they were very happy. Just 23 percent of never-married people said this. The happiness numbers were even lower for other groups: Only 20 percent of those who were widowed(死了丈夫或妻子的), 17 percent of those who were divorced, and 11 percent of those who were separated but not divorced said they were happy. Overall, married people were six times more likely to say that they were very happy than to report that they were not too happy. And generally speaking, married women say they"re happy more often than married men. Marriage isn"t just associated with happiness -- it brings happiness, at least for a lot of us. One 2003 study that followed 24,000 people for more than a decade documented a significant increase in happiness after people married. For some, the happiness increase wore off in a few years, and they ended up back at their premarriage happiness levels. But for others, it lasted as long as a lifetime.According to most researchers, whether people feel happy or not depends on ______.
A. how they deal with bad things
B. how they think about their lives
C. whether they are married or not
D. whether they are emotional or not
[单项选择]-- Do you agree with what I said
--I couldn’t agree with you (), that’s really a good idea.
A. little
B. much
C. more
D. 不填
[单项选择]______ Do you agree with what I said --I couldn’t agree with you ______,that’s really a good idea.
A. little
B. much
C. more
D. 不填
[单项选择]______ Do you agree with what I said
--I couldn’t agree with you ______,that’s really a good idea.
A. little
B. much
C. more
D. 不填
[单项选择]What do the man and the woman agree most on( ).
A. Celebrities as role models.
B. Interest in celebrities.
C. Inspirational values of celebrities.
D. The entertainment value of celebrities.
[单项选择]From the interview, we can know what is the most important when you are getting old
A. Health.
B. Possessions.
C. Attitude towards aging.
D. Daily life.
[填空题]What does the Cranfield School consider the most important quality for people to grow

[单项选择]What is history Every historian would agree, I think, that history is a kind of research or inquiry. Generically it belongs to what we call the sciences: that is, the forms of thought whereby we ask questions and try to realize, does not consist in collecting what we already know and arranging it in this or that kind of pattern. It consists in fastening upon something we do not know, and trying to discover it. Playing patience with things we already know may be a useful means towards this end, but it is not the end itself. It is at best only the means. It is scientifically valuable only in so far as the new arrangement gives us the answer to questions we have already decided to ask. That is why all science begins from the knowledge of our own ignorance of some definite thing--the origin of life, the cause of cancer, the chemical composition of the sun. Science is finding things out: and in that sense history is a science.
History is a science in that ______.
A. it belong to genetics
B. it puts known facts in one pattern or another
C. it raises questions and seeks to answer them
D. it collects facts already known
[单项选择]What most probably does Mary do
A. A student.
B. A reporter.
C. A teacher.
D. A lecturer.
[简答题] What Easter’’s all about Easter is the most important festival in the Christian calendar. It is the commemoration of Jesus’’ death and his rising from the dead, also known as the resurrection. It comes at the end of Lent. The week leading up to it is called Holy Week. Palm Sunday is the first day of Holy Week and celebrates Jesus’’ arrival in Jerusalem riding on a donkey. Crowds of people came out of the city to greet him, throwing down palm branches on the road. Many churches give out small crosses made from palm leaves, as a reminder of Jesus’’ entrance into Jerusalem and his death on the cross. On Thursday Christians remember when Jesus ate the Passover meal with his disciples, breaking bread and drinking wine, which is now known as the Last Supper. Since then this meal has been symbolically re-enacted by many Christians as a way of drawing closer to God. This is called the Eucharist, which means ’’thanksgiving’’. It is a reminder that Jesus sacrific


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