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发布时间:2023-10-21 14:40:01

[单项选择]It was supposed to be the new-media election. E-mail, blogging, social networking and tweeting were expected to surge in importance and perhaps to decide the race. Something else has happened. Britain"s first television debate, on April 15th, was followed by a ten-point swing to the Liberal Democrats. The debate and its aftermath dominated political news for several days and has transformed the race. It is a triumph for old media. There were signs even before the debate that new media were not living up to expectations. A survey carried out during the first week in April by the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts(NESTA)found that 79% of Britons could not recall seeing any online electioneering—not even an e-mail. The organization concluded that politicians were failing to take advantage of new media"s huge potential to engage with voters. Perhaps. Or perhaps this is to confuse novelty with importance. For several reasons, traditional media are rattier good at delivering political messages. The first television debate, on ITV, was watched by 9.4m Britons. That works out to 37% of the prime-time audience—better than the share of Americans who watched the first round between John McCain and Barack Obama in 2008. Television is the only technology that can reach so many people in a single day. But others are not far behind. Although their circulation has declined, newspapers still reach large audiences. The Sun, which supports the Conservatives, is read by 8m people each day. By comparison, much-touted social media like Twitter are so niche as to be almost invisible. And old media take up a big proportion of people"s leisure time. Each televised debate lasts for 90 minutes. The average reader spends 40 minutes with his daily newspaper and an hour with the Saturday and Sunday papers. It takes just seconds to read an e-mail or a politician"s tweet. One must make some heroic assumptions about the appeal of digital media to think they influence people as much as traditional outlets. Unlike the internet, newspapers and television tilt towards the old, with fully 47% of the audience for the first debate being aged 55 or older. Advertisers are less keen to reach the old than the young, which is one reason newspapers are losing money. But an aged audience is precisely what politicians want. The old are much more likely to vote than the young. Of course, the television debates have been circulated through tweets and e-mails, just as they have been dissected by newspapers. New media are handy for firing up committed supporters, too. But when it comes to reaching the voters who matter, the old technologies are still the best.It is indicated in Paragraph 4 that
A. old media waste people more time than digital media do.
B. digital media are superior to old media in terms of rapidity.
C. digital media are more appealing and interesting than old media.
D. traditional media are more influential than digital media.

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[单项选择]What time is train supposed to leave
A. Ten to ten.
B. Ten to eleven.
C. Ten past ten.
When is the football match supposed to hold
[单项选择]Politicians and businessmen are supposed to be skilled at telling the kind of lies ______.
A. from which they may gain some advantage
B. that seems to be unbelievable
C. that women are most likely to believe
D. with which they can have better relationship with others
[单项选择]Engineering students are supposed to be examples of practicality and rationality, but when it comes to my college education I am an idealist and a fool. In high school I wanted to be an electrical engineer and, of course, any sensible student with my aims would have chosen a college with a large engineering department, famous reputation and lots of good labs and research equipment. But that’s not what I did.
I chose to study engineering at a small liberal-arts (文科) university that doesn’t even offer a major in electrical engineering. Obviously, this was not a practical choice; I came here for more noble reasons. I wanted a broad education that would provide me with flexibility and a value system to guide me in my career. I wanted to open my eyes and expand my vision by interacting with people who weren’t studying science or engineering. My parents, teachers and other adults praised me for such a sensible choice. They told me I was wise and mature beyond my 18 years, and I believed
A. creative
B. irrational
C. ambitious
D. unrealistic


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