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发布时间:2023-10-12 18:31:28

[判断题]Gaddafi made headlines in 1998 by surrendering two Libyan suspects who plotted the bombing of an American jumbo jet.

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Gaddafi made headlines in 1998 by surrendering two Libyan suspects who plotted the bombing of an American jumbo jet.
[填空题]The managing director made two complaints.

[单项选择]She made two copies of this poem and posted them ______ to different publishers.
A. sensationally
B. simultaneously
C. strenuously
D. simply
[单项选择]The good news made headlines nationwide: Deaths from several kinds of cancer have declined significantly in recent years. But the news has to be bittersweet for many cancer patients and their families. Every year, more than 500, 000 people in the United States still die of cancer. In fact, more than half of all patients diagnosed with cancer will die of their disease within a few years. And while its true survival is longer today than in the past, the quality of life for these patients is often greatly diminished. Cancer—and many of the treatments used to fight it—causes pain, nausea, fatigue, and anxiety that routinely go undertreated or untreated.
In the nation’s single-minded focus on curing cancer, we have inadvertently devalued the critical need for palliative care, which focuses on alleviating physical and psychological symptoms over the course of the disease. Nothing would have a greater impact on the daily lives of cancer patients and their families than good symptom contr
A. survival rates.
B. quality of life.
C. lifespans.
D. options for health insurance providers.
[单项选择]Which two speeches made Emerson famous

A. Nature and Essays.
B. Representative Men and English Traits.
C. Nature and English Traits.
D. The American Scholar and The Divinity School Address.
[单项选择]Passage Two
Can animals be made to work for us Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs that are now done by human beings.
They point out that at a circus, for example, we may see elephants, monkeys, dogs and other animals doing quite skillful things. Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film. If you watch closely, you may notice that the trainer always gives the animal a piece of candy or a piece of fruit as a reward. The scientists say that many different animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs if they know they will get a reward for doing them.
Of course, as we know, dogs can be used to guard a house, and soldiers in both old and modem times have used geese to give warning by making a lot of noise when a stranger or an enemy comes near. But it may be possible
A. when it is hungry
B. before it plays a trick
C. when it starts to play a trick
D. after it has done the trick
[单项选择]This state research program is made up of two funds,()could last for two years.
A. the larger one
B. the larger of which
C. the largest one
D. the largest of which
[单项选择]Passage One The journey two divers made some time ago to the very deepest point on the earth makes us realize how much of the world still remains to be studied. The two men went down seven miles to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean inside a small steel ball to find out if there are any ocean currents or signs of life. It was necessary to set out early, so that the ball would come to the surface in daylight, and so be easily found by the mother ship which would be waiting for it. The divers began preparations early in the morning and soon afterwards, when all was ready, the steel ball disappeared under the surface of the water. The divers felt as if they were going down steps as they passed through warm and cold layers of water. In time, the temperature dropped to freezing point. They kept in touch with the mother ship by telephone telling how they felt. Then, at a depth of 3, 000 feet, the telephone stopped working and they were quite cut off from the outside world.
A. if there are water currents and life in the great depths
B. if people can stand the severe cold in the great depths
C. if there are steps in the great depths
D. if the telephone works well in the great depths
[填空题]Two different points are made in the essay about tile efficient use of land , one of them is that some countries use old -fashioned methods of cultivation and therefore get a low yield , the other point is the certain kinds of fond require more land than others.


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