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发布时间:2024-07-03 07:48:23

[单项选择]Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a serious source of discomfort to their fellows. (1)_____, medical authorities ex press their (2)_____ about the effect of smoking (3)_____ the health not only (4)_____ those who smoke but also of those who do not. In fact, non smokers who must (5)_____ inhale the air polluted by tobacco smoke may (6)_____ more than the smokers themselves. As you aye doubtless, (7)_____, a considerable number of our students have (8)_____ in effort to (9)_____ the university to ban smoking in the classroom. I believe they are (10)_____ right in their aim. (11)_____ I would hope that it is (12)_____ to achieve this by (13)_____ on the smokers to use good judgment and show concern (14)_____ others rather than regulation. Smoking is (15)_____ by law in theater and in halls used for (16)_____ films as well as in laboratories where there (17)_____ be a fire hazard. Elsewhere, it is up to your good sense. I am (18)_____ asking you to maintain (19)_____ in the auditoriums, classrooms and seminar rooms. This will prove that you have the nonsmokers health and well-being in (20)_____, which is very important to a large number of our students.
A. then
B. therefore
C. subsequently
D. so

更多"Smoking, which may be a pleasure fo"的相关试题:

Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a serious source of discomfort for their fellows. Medical authorities express their (31) about the effect of smoking on the health not only (32) those who smoke but also of those who do not. In fact, nonsmokers who must involuntarily inhale the air polluted by the tobacco smoke may (33) more than the smokers themselves.
As you are doubtless aware, a considerable number of our students have (34) an effort to (35) the university to ban smoking in the classrooms. I believe they are entirely right in their aim. (36) , I would hope that it is possible to achieve this by (37) on the smokers to use good judgment and show concern for others rather than (38) regulation.
Smoking is prohibited by city laws in theaters and in halls used for sh
A. concern
B. trouble
C. interest
D. displeasure


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