发布时间:2024-05-28 20:59:58

[单项选择]Is Halloween celebrated where you live In the United States and Canada, Halloween is widely known and celebrated every year on October 31. Halloween customs, though, can be found in many other parts of the globe. In some places holidays are celebrated that, although named differently, share similar themes: contact with the spirit world involving the spirits of the dead, the devil and angels. Personally, you may not believe in supernatural spirits. You might simply view taking part in Halloween and similar celebrations as a way to have fun and teach your children to explore their imagination. Many people, though, regard these celebrations as harmful for the following reasons:Firstly,Halloween is actually related to the prospect of contact with spiritual forces, many of which threaten or frighten. Likewise, many celebrations like Halloween have religious origins and are deeply rooted in ancestor worship(祖先崇拜). Even today, people around the world use these days to make contact with supposed spirits of the dead. Secondly, although Halloween has been viewed mainly as an American holiday, each year people in more and more countries have been adopting it. Many newcomers to the celebration, however, are unaware of the religious origins of Halloween symbols, decorations, and customs, most of which are related to supernatural beings and supernatural forces. Thirdly, thousands of people, who follow ancient Celts(凯尔特人), still call Halloween by the ancient name Samhain and consider it to be the most sacred night of the year. Others don’t realize it, while they’re celebrating the Celtic holiday. In view of the foregoing, it is wise for you to know about the dark origins of Halloween and similar celebrations. Having this fuller understanding may help you decide whether to participate in these holidays.The author’ s purpose in writing this passage is to______.
A. warn people not to celebrate Halloween any more
B. criticize the Halloween celebration activities
C. tell people to be careful in deciding whether to celebrate Halloween
D. promote the tradition of Halloween and its celebrations

更多"Is Halloween celebrated where you l"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Is Halloween celebrated where you live In the United States and Canada, Halloween is widely known and celebrated every year on October 31. Halloween customs, though, can be found in many other parts of the globe. In some places holidays are celebrated that, although named differently, share similar themes: contact with the spirit world involving the spirits of the dead, the devil and angels. Personally, you may not believe in supernatural spirits. You might simply view taking part in Halloween and similar celebrations as a way to have fun and teach your children to explore their imagination. Many people, though, regard these celebrations as harmful for the following reasons:Firstly,Halloween is actually related to the prospect of contact with spiritual forces, many of which threaten or frighten. Likewise, many celebrations like Halloween have religious origins and are deeply rooted in ancestor worship(祖先崇拜). Even today, people around the world use these days to make contact with supposed spirits of the dead. Secondly, although Halloween has been viewed mainly as an American holiday, each year people in more and more countries have been adopting it. Many newcomers to the celebration, however, are unaware of the religious origins of Halloween symbols, decorations, and customs, most of which are related to supernatural beings and supernatural forces. Thirdly, thousands of people, who follow ancient Celts(凯尔特人), still call Halloween by the ancient name Samhain and consider it to be the most sacred night of the year. Others don’t realize it, while they’re celebrating the Celtic holiday. In view of the foregoing, it is wise for you to know about the dark origins of Halloween and similar celebrations. Having this fuller understanding may help you decide whether to participate in these holidays.According to the author, the theme of Halloween is to______.
A. celebrate the harvest season
B. spread religious teachings
C. contact the spirit of the dead
D. help children explore their imagination
[简答题]Where are you going to live when you retire?
[填空题]Where does Linda live Could you tell me
Could you tell me ______

[填空题]Where does Linda live Could you tell me
Could you tell me ______

[多项选择]PART 1
·Where do you live
[多项选择]The heating system in the hotel where you live didn’t work well last night. Write to the manager to complain about this.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.

W: Where do you live
M: I live in a suburb of London.
W: Is it far away from here
M: Yes. It usually takes me about one hour to drive to the office.

How does the man usually go to work( ).
A. By subway.
B. By bus.
C. By his own car.

W: Where do you live
M: I live in a suburb of London.
W: Is it far away from here
M: Yes. It usually takes me about one hour to drive to the office.

How does the man usually go to work()
A. By subway.
B. By bus.
C. By his own car.
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Collect all of your rental information before you visit your first vacancy. You may want to fill out an Apartments Unlimited application form. These forms are comprehensive and accepted by most landlords.
Have a credit report with you and give yourself an edge over the next guy. Landlords will be impressed by your organization and preparedness. As well, you’ll save money by not having to pay for each and every landlord that require


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