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发布时间:2023-10-03 03:56:47

[单项选择]In the mid-l 8th century, a new literary movement called ______ came to Europe and then to England.
A. classicism
B. restoration
C. romanticism
D. realism

更多"In the mid-l 8th century, a new lit"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In the mid-18th century, a new literary movement called ______ came to Europe and then to England.
A. romanticism
B. classicism
C. realism
D. restoration
[单项选择]As a philosophical and literary movement, ______flourished ill New England from the 1830s to CMl War.

A. modernism
B. rationalism
C. sentimentalism
D. transcendentalism
[单项选择]The 18th century witnessed a new literary form-the modern English novel, which contrary to the medieval romance, gives a ______ presentation of life of the common people.
A. romantic
B. realistic
C. prophetic
D. idealistic
[单项选择]The 18th century witnessed a new literary form--the modern English novel, which is contrary to the medieval romance, gives a ( ), presentation of life of the common people.
A. romantic
B. realistic
C. prophetic
D. idealistic
[单项选择]In the last third of the nineteenth century a new housing form was quietly being developed. In 1869 the Stuyvesant, considered New York’s first apartment house, was built on East Eighteenth Street. The building was financed by the developer Rutherfurd Stuyvesant and designed by Richard Morris Hunt, the first American architect to graduate from the cole des Beaux Arts in Paris. Each man had lived in Paris, and each understood the economic and social potential of this Parisian housing form. But the Stuyvesant was at best a limited success. In spite of Hunt’s inviting facade, the living space was awkwardly arranged. Those who could afford them were quite content to remain in the more sumptuous, single-family homes, leaving the Stuyvesant to young married couple and bachelors.
The fundamental problem with the Stuyvesant and the other early apartment building that quickly followed, in the late 1870’s and early 1880’s, was that they were confined to the typical New York building lot. Th
A. single-family homes
B. apartment buildings
C. row houses
D. hotels

In the 18th century, New York was smaller than Philadelphia and Boston. Today it is the largest city in America. How to explain the change in its size and importance
To answer this question we must consider certain facts about geography, history and economics. Together these three will explain the huge growth of America’s most famous cities.
The map of the Northeast shows that four of the most heavily-populated areas in this region are around seaports. At these points materials from across tile sea enter America, and the products of the land are sent there for export across the sea.
Economists know that places where transportation lines meet are good places for making raw materials into completed goods, That is why seaports often have cities nearby. But cities like New York needed more than their geographical location in order to become great industrial centers. Their development did not happen simply by chance.
About 1815, when many American
A. Development of Transportation in New York
B. Exports and Imports of New York.
C. How New York Became America’s Largest City
D. How New York Exchanged with Europe

[单项选择]In the last century, new drugs have ______ improved health throughout the world.

A. inconsistently
B. supposedly
C. notedly
D. markedly
[单项选择]In 17th-century New England, almost everyone believed in witches. Struggling to survive in a vast and sometimes unforgiving land, America’s earliest European settlers understood themselves to be surrounded by an inscrutable universe filled with invisible spirits, both benevolent and evil, that affected their lives. They often attributed a sudden illness, a household disaster or a financial setback to a witch’s curse. The belief in witchcraft was, at bottom, an attempt to make sense of the unknown.
While witchcraft was often feared, it was punished only infrequently. In the first 70 years of the New England settlement, about 100 people were formally charged with being witches; fewer than two dozen were convicted and fewer still were executed.
Then came 1692. In January of that year, two young girls living in the household of the Reverend Samuel Parris of Salem Village began experiencing strange fits. The doctor identified witchcraft as tile cause. After weeks of questioning, t
A. Puritan settlers witnessed the witchcraft of American Indians.
B. frontier refugees couldn’t admit their own defeat.
C. the early European settlers lacked the sense of security.
D. hundreds of American Indians died of the witchcraft accusation.


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