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发布时间:2023-10-21 14:57:57

[单项选择] Conversation 1 Questions 6 to 7 are based oat the conversation you’ve just heard. [听力原文]6-7 M: Hurry up. It is time for TV. W: What are we going to watch M: A football match between Germany and Italy. It will be exciting. W: But I am not interested in, football. I like to see a TV film. M: Oh. no. You can see a TV film any other day. W: There will he oilier football games any other day. M: But this game is the most important of the season. W: If you insist on watching the game, I will go. M: Where are you going Are you annoyed with me W: No. I am going to the cinema. What can’t they agree on()
A. They can’t get agreed on what they are going to do.
B. They can’t get agreed on what program they are going to watch on TV.
C. They can’t get agreed on when to watch TV.
D. They can’t get agreed on which team is going to win.

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[单项选择] Conversation 1 Questions 6 to 7 are based oat the conversation you’ve just heard. [听力原文]6-7 M: Hurry up. It is time for TV. W: What are we going to watch M: A football match between Germany and Italy. It will be exciting. W: But I am not interested in, football. I like to see a TV film. M: Oh. no. You can see a TV film any other day. W: There will he oilier football games any other day. M: But this game is the most important of the season. W: If you insist on watching the game, I will go. M: Where are you going Are you annoyed with me W: No. I am going to the cinema. What do they decide to do late()
A. They decide to watch the game together.
B. They decide to go to the cinema.
C. They decide to do different things separately.
D. They decide not to do anything.
[单项选择] Conversation 2 Questions 8 to 10 are based oat the conversation you’ve just heard. [听力原文] 8-10 M: Excuse me But is there a bus going to the zoo W: Well, you have the right stop. but the bus doesn’t go straight to the zoo. You have to transfer to a No. 37 bus. M: Where do I change for No. 57 then W: I think you get off at Time Street. M: How far is it away from here W: Only 4 stops. Don’t worry. I will get off there too. M: OK, I will follow you. W: Are you a stranger here M:Yes. I came only a few clays ago. This is my first visit to this city. W: How do you like the city M: Well. it’s hard to say. I will see more before I can say anything. But the people I meet here are all kind to me. W: I hope you like the city soon. What is the man going to do according to the conversation()
A. The man is going to follow the woman.
B. The man is going to take two buses.
C. The man is going to get on a No.57 bus.
D. The man is going to find the right bus stop first.

Conversation 1
Questions 6 and 7 are based on the following conversation.
M: Well, I suppose I’d better be getting on.
W: Well, thanks very much for coming to see me.
M: Not at all, as you know it’s... it’s no problem. Um, I mean is there anything I can get you or do for you
W: No, I think I’m fine, thanks very much.
M: Are you sure
W: Oh, no. Oh, perhaps, perhaps you could just get me a copy of China Youth Daily from the comer shop.
M: Of course, yes. Fine, see you later.

What’s the most possible reason for the man to go to see the woman()
A. Because the woman is ill.
B. Because he needs help from the woman.
C. Because they axe friends.
D. Because the woman needs help.

Conversation 2
Questions 8 to 10 are based on the conversation you’ve just heard.
[听力原文] 8-10
W: Hi, my name is Christa and I have a friend Mary, whose son is taking guitar lessons from you, and she suggested I call you.
M: OK. Will the lessons be for yourself or your son
W: I want to learn. My son is only three.
M: Fine. Have you had any musical experience before
W: Well, I studied the piano for about three months but that was 6 years ago.
M: That’s good. So we needn’t start right from the beginning again.
W: When can I take lessons and how much do they cost
M: Well, that depends on you. We have a small group that meets on Monday and Wednesday evenings for two hours, that costs $4 an hour. Then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I give private lessons which cost $8 an hour.
W: I’m afraid that I can’t make it on Mondays but I can come on Wednesdays.

A. She’s studied the piano for six years.
B. She studied the guitar for three months.
C. She doesn’t have any.
D. She has very little.


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