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发布时间:2024-05-23 22:22:04

[填空题]A—accountant B—asset
C—balance sheet D—balanced budget
E—bankruptcy F—business cycle
G—capital growth H—capital market
I—cash flow statement J—cash management
K—checklist L—consumption budgeting
M—debt management N—employee benefit
O—exchange rate P—expense
Q—financial analysis R—financial market
S—financial situation T—financial statement
U—income V—investment planning
W—money market X—risk management
Y—saving plan Z—what-if analysis
( )资产负债表 ( )资本市场

更多"A—accountant B—ass"的相关试题:

[填空题]A—accountant B—asset
C—balance sheet D—balanced budget
E—bankruptcy F—business cycle
G—capital growth H—capital market
I—cash flow statement J—cash management
K—checklist L—consumption budgeting
M—debt management N—employee benefit
O—exchange rate P—expense
Q—financial analysis R—financial market
S—financial situation T—financial statement
U—income V—investment planning
W—money market X—risk management
Y—saving plan Z—what-if analysis
( )会计师 ( )开支;支出
[单项选择]She lost her balance and _____if she hadn’t supported herself.
A. would have fallen
B. had fallen
C. fell
D. would fall
A -- Accountant B -- Announcer
C -- Architect D -- Associate professor
E -- Editor in chief F -- Cashier
G -- Journalist H -- Dentist
I -- Tailor J -- Fireman
K -- Hairdresser I -- Butcher
M -- Computer programmer N -- Office staff
O -- Photographer P -- Fashion designer
Q -- Coach
( )建筑师 ( ) 牙医
[简答题]单价与支付方式30%T/T in advance, balance by Original B/L
[填空题]A -- Accountant B -- Announcer
C -- Architect D -- Associate professor
E -- Editor in chief F -- Cashier
G -- Journalist H -- Dentist
I -- Tailor J -- Fireman
K -- Hairdresser I -- Butcher
M -- Computer programmer N -- Office staff
O -- Photographer P -- Fashion designer
Q -- Coach
( )建筑师 ( ) 牙医
[单项选择]A. He is an accountant. B. He is a toy producer.
C. He is a bank clerk. D. He is a sales representative.
A Delicate Balance{{/B}}

In 1965 the American statesman Adlai E Stevenson said, "We all travel together, passengers on a little spaceship, dependent on its vulnerable supplies of air and soil. We manage to survive by the care, work, and love we give our fragile craft." Our planet is indeed fragile. Every living thing on this planet is part of a complicated web of life, for no organism lives entirely on its own. Every organism is affected by all that surrounds it whether living or nonliving. And in turn each organism has some effect on its surroundings.
Even the most elementary understanding of ecology requires knowledge of this cause/effect relationship all organisms have on each other. Every thing we do to our environment will in one way or another affect the quality of life we experience on this tiny spaceship. If we want the quality of life to be high, we must be more aware that nature is a finely balanced mechan


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