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发布时间:2023-10-23 16:23:07

[简答题]These 40 leading industrialized countries emitted 2.3 percent more greenhouse gases (GHG) from 2000 to 2006. Massive floods deep below Antarctica’s ice cover are accelerating the flow of glaciers into the sea.
These two pieces of news came a couple of weeks before the Dec. 1 UN Climate Change Conference in Poznan, Poland. But unfortunately they went almost unnoticed in the media busy as they were grappling with the global financial crises.
Call it quirk of the modem world’s fate, or our incapability to look beyond the immediate. We are so ensconced in the comforts of our times that nothing beyond the immediate can break our stupor. R’s true, global warming made a few headlines before the financial crisis spread its wings from the US and cast a shadow of gloom over the rest of the world. But our response has always been knee-jerk.

更多"These 40 leading industrialized cou"的相关试题:

[填空题]Compared with other major industrialized countries, the United States depends more heavily on oil import.

[简答题]in the early industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrialization-with all the far-reaching changes in social patterns that followed-was spread over nearly a century, whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so.

[单项选择]Japan and the newly industrialized countries are passing labor-intensive sects as garment-making over to less developed nations and moving into advanced technology and services.
A. sects like
B. sectors like
C. sections as
D. sections such as
[填空题]People who live in heavily industrialized areas do not get as much sunlight as they should. Dust (1) over a city at altitudes (海拔) of between 4,000 and 8,000 feet cuts out between 20 and 50 percent of the sunlight and up to 90 percent of the ultraviolet light (紫外线). But dust is not the only thing to (2) about. When fuels are burned, whether in a factory, or in a home, or in the engine of a car, CO2 is given off. CO2 in the atmosphere acts as a kind of (3) around the earth, keeping warms in and so slowly raising the (4) of the earth. This could really change the climate all over the world.
Everybody wants to have a car. (5) , while they are giving us so much pleasure, cars are also poisoning us. The amount of dangerous substances sent out by a car is quite (6) . Did you know, for example, that a hundred cars produce on (7) a third of a ton of CO2 as well a
[单项选择]The ethical (伦理的)behavior in industrialized countries has been put under pressure. During the last year in Norway we have seen cases where large food companies pay distributors to keep away competitors and suppliers paying personal benefits to managers of shops to get own products better promoted and positioned in the shops. The areas where the ethics does not manage to set fair limits, the lawmakers get under pressure to give new laws to cope with the unfair behavior.
The examples mentioned have been given good coverage in the media. However, another area with quite another dimension is continuously running without large reports in the media. In this area one individual is killed unnecessarily nearly every third day all the year round in Norway. The coverage may be a picture in the local newspaper. Is this due to unethical behavior or may be due to the lack of action by the real responsible body that this killing is going on and on, year after year Are the killings on our road
A. nearly 120 people die because of the traffic accidents every year in Norway
B. traffic problems can be covered by the media such as radio and newspaper now
C. the ethical problems are a result of the incompetent administration of the country
D. Parliament should take all the responsibility for the safety of traffic


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