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发布时间:2024-01-07 02:18:01

[单项选择]Americans have become addicted to superlatives. We seem to need our regular "hyperbole fixes" as if to validate our own existence. This national syndrome becomes most egregious during the run- up to the "Super Bowl," a football game that more often than not turns out to be the "ho-hum" bowl. But to the attuned ear, this pumped-up hype routinely infects most of our conversations. This exaggeration is not the exclusive province of the magpies of sports talk. In a broader sense, some of these embellishments carry with them a subtle but undeniable element of dishonesty.
The news media is perhaps most culpable in promoting our obsession with overstatement. Consider last November’s midterm elections. Television’s political pundits portrayed the results as a "landslide victory" for Republicans and a rejection of President Obama. While it’s true that the GOP picked up 63 seats, the "massive win" becomes a slim plurality when you crunch the numbers.
Michael McDonald, a professor of po
A. to display the British use of understatement and dry wit
B. to give an example to show John Lennon’s personality
C. to show the difference between American and British exaggeration
D. to compare the national characters of Americans and the British

更多"Americans have become addicted to s"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Americans have become addicted to superlatives. We seem to need our regular "hyperbole fixes" as if to validate our own existence. This national syndrome becomes most egregious during the run- up to the "Super Bowl," a football game that more often than not turns out to be the "ho-hum" bowl. But to the attuned ear, this pumped-up hype routinely infects most of our conversations. This exaggeration is not the exclusive province of the magpies of sports talk. In a broader sense, some of these embellishments carry with them a subtle but undeniable element of dishonesty.
The news media is perhaps most culpable in promoting our obsession with overstatement. Consider last November’s midterm elections. Television’s political pundits portrayed the results as a "landslide victory" for Republicans and a rejection of President Obama. While it’s true that the GOP picked up 63 seats, the "massive win" becomes a slim plurality when you crunch the numbers.
Michael McDonald, a professor of po
A. understatement idioms
B. overused words
C. exaggerative expressions
D. impromptu eulogies

While Americans have become ever more dependent upon electricity in their daily lives, a crucial part of the system that supports their way of life has not kept up. Yes, the country has built more power plants enough to create a glut of power in most parts of the country,
41. _____________________.
California’s disastrous partial energy deregulation and the role played by Enron and other energy marketing companies in its power crisis have impeded changes in the national ability to deliver power.
42. _____________________. Moreover, the deficiency also includes inadequate coordination among the regions in managing the flow of electricity. These interregional weaknesses are so far the most plausible explanation for the blackout on Thursday.
43. _____________________. The problem is with the system of rules, organization, and oversight that governs the transmission networks. It was set up for a very different era and is now caught in a difficult


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