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发布时间:2024-03-13 21:48:36

[单项选择]It was not ______ 1982 that he went back to America.
A. since
B. until
C. before
D. after

更多"It was not ______ 1982 that he went"的相关试题:

[简答题]Later, Charles went back to school for two more years.
[填空题]When the author went back to an alumni reunion, an undergraduate student offered to help him across the street.
[单项选择]When she saw the clouds, she went back to the house to ______ her umbrella.
A. carry B. fetch C. gather D. reach
[填空题]Under the urge of his father, Peter went back to finish his homework (reluctant)()
[单项选择]______, she went back to sleep.
A. There is no cause for alarm
B. Being no cause for alarm
C. There being no cause for alarm
D. Without having cause for alarm
[填空题]Whenever I went back home I (bring)()some gifts to my neighbors.
[填空题]Whenever I went back home I (bring) ______ some gifts to my neighbors.
[填空题]The man went back home ______ (occasion) due to his hard work.

[单项选择]______ no cause for alarm, the old man went back to his bedroom.
A. There was
B. Due to
C. As to
D. There being

Julia went back to the park ______ she lost her purse.
[单项选择]When he went out, he would wear sunglasses ______ nobody would recognize him.
A. so that
B. now that
C. as though
D. in case
[简答题]That day, he went there very early. He was all smile on the way. All things seem benign to him. The ground there was covered with a mist of bluebells, and nearly a score of crabapple trees were in full bloom. He threw himself down on the grass. The change from the buttercup glory and oak - goldened glamour of the fields to this ethereal beauty under the gray for filled him with a sort of wonder; nothing the same, save the sound of running water and the songs of the cuckoos. He lay there a long time, watching the sunlight wheel till the crab - trees threw shadows over the bluebells, his only companions a few wild bees. He was not quite sane, thinking of that morning’s kiss, and of tonight under the apple tree. In such a spot as this fauns and dryads surely live; nymphs, white as the crab -apple blossom, retired within those trees; fauns, brown as the dead bracken, with pointed ears. lay in wait for them. The cuckoos were still calling when he woke, there was tile sound of running- wa
[单项选择]A. We went swimming.
B. He went swimming.
C. We didn’t go swimming.
D. He didn’t go swimming.
[填空题]When he got to the crossroads, he went in the wrong (direct) ______.


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