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发布时间:2023-10-01 00:57:15

[单项选择]In order to repair barns, build fence, grow crops, and care for animals a farmer must indeed be()
A. restless
B. skilled
C. strong
D. versatile

更多"In order to repair barns, build fen"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Water ______to make crops grow in dry places.
A. needs
B. need
C. is needed
[简答题]border fence

Scientists have rediscovered certain food crops, once commonly cultivated in the New World, which contain more protein per pound than do current staple food crops such as rice and wheat. Scientists claim that cultivation of these crops could greatly benefit densely populated countries that have low per-person calorie intake and inadequate source of protein.
Which of the following, if true, casts the most serious doubt on the claim made above()

A. The average yield per acre of the rediscovered crops is substantially less than that of the current staple food crops
B. Many important food crops, such as tomato, originated in the New World
C. Wheat yields more protein per pound than does rice
D. The rediscovered crops have more caloric per pound than do current, staple food crops
E. As few as 20 different food crops provide the bulk of the planet’s food supply
[单项选择]Some crops are relatively high yielders and could be planted in preference to others to ______ the food supply.
A. enhance
B. curb
C. disrupt
D. heighten
[填空题]No one knows exactly how GM crops will affect the environment because genetic structure is complex and the related tests now mainly study ______.
[填空题]Rice is one of the major GM crops containing genes which help to either resist insect or tolerate weed - killing herbicides.

[单项选择]Crops can be traded on the futures market before they are harvested. If a poor corn harvest is predicted, prices of corn futures rise; if a bountiful corn harvest is predicted, prices of corn futures fall. This morning meteorologists are predicting much-needed rain for the corn-growing region starting tomorrow. Therefore, since adequate moisture is essential for the current crop’s survival, prices of corn futures will fall sharply today.
Which of the following, if true, most weakens the argument above
A. Corn that does not receive adequate moisture during its critical pollination stage will not produce a bountiful harvest.
B. Futures prices for corn have been fluctuating more dramatically this season than last season.
C. The rain that meteorologists predicted for tomorrow is expected to extend well beyond the corn-growing region.
D. Agriculture experts announced today that a disease that has devastated some of the corn crop will spread widely before the end of the growing season.
E. (E) Most people who trade in corn futures rarely take physical possession of the corn they trade.
[单项选择]A. She thinks to breed crops selectively is different from modifying genes of crops.
B. She thinks genetically modified food is not harmful to health.
C. She thinks DNA technology has a negative effect on people’s life.
D. She thinks genetically modified food should be banned from people’s diet.
The final act of a controversy over GM crops that sets America against Europe unfolds today in Geneva. The World Trade Organisation will hear the closing arguments in a case where the public authority of both the European commission and the WTO is at stake.
66. ______
Throughout the European Union there has been extensive concern about GM crops. Among the public’s fears is the potential for long-term harm to the environment—for example through the increased use of herbicides and the gene flow to wild species—and to human health, should new allergens appear. In a wider context of uncertainties about the future of agriculture and of a pervasive lack of confidence in official approaches to the handling of technological risk, consumer rejection of GM has been widespread.
67. ______
The EU’s initial submissions to the WTO dispute panel argued that its approach was necessarily "prudent and precautionary". It emphasised that the US, C
[单项选择]If the weather had been more favourable, the crops ______ still better now.
A. would be growing
B. are growing
C. will be growing
D. would have grown
[单项选择]Jolene began building a picket fence by planting stakes in a row; the stakes were evenly spaced. After planting the first 10 stakes, Jolene measured the length of the row and found that the row was 27 feet long. She continued the row by planting another 10 stakes, then measured the length of the entire row. How many feet long was the row of stakes Jolene had planted ?()
A. 37
B. 54
C. 57
D. 60
E. 81
[填空题]Among all the GM crops, Bt genes have proved most effective in ______ when the largest reduction in pesticide use has been reported.

[填空题]GM crops are controversial. On the one hand, some farmers and scientists feel that GM crops can make the world a better place. If bioengineers can create crops that are (36) to insects, for example, then they won’t have to worry about insects destroying plants. In the (37) of insect damage, crops can grow to feed the poor and hungry. Genetic engineering can transform plants with other desirable (38) as well. Plants that don’t require much water, which can live even in times of drought, can help prevent the widespread (39) that would occur if people have nothing to eat. It’s easy to see why many people believe that GM crops will help the world meet the difficult challenges that it will face as more and more people need to be fed.
But not everyone thinks bioengineering is a good idea. Other people are (40) . They mistrust the claims made and don’t believe that biotechnology is without (41) . The possible dangers include


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