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发布时间:2024-09-09 02:56:38

[单项选择]Henry Morris, an English professor, asks his college English classes to count "loan words". These are words we use that were taken directly from other languages. He jokes about the term "loan words". "It is not like we’re going to give these words back after we’ve done with them," he says. "Imported words" might be a better term. Simple sentences may contain 15 percent or less of these. Complex. sentences may be 50 percent or more "imports". Scientific papers might use mostly loan words. "We use imports constantly,: Morris says, "generally without any idea we are using them."
Was there ever a time when people spoke just plain English7 No. Scholars estimate that one-third of the world’s languages are of Indo-European origin. These includes English, French, Latin, German, Dutch, Celtic, and Salvic tongues. Back around AD 450, when Julius Caesar was alive, English, as we know, it didn’t exist. English is relatively young. Its roots go back 1,500 years, to Britain. People there spok
A. Britain was conquered by Norman French once
B. British people think French is very beautiful
C. scholars .introduced many French words into English
D. English colonists lived in France .for a long time

更多"Henry Morris, an English professor,"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Henry Morris, an English professor, asks his college English classes to count "loan words". These are words we use that were taken directly from other languages. He jokes about the term "loan words". "It is not like we’ re going to give these words back after we’ ve done with them," he says. "Imported words" might be a better term. Simple sentences may contain 15 percent or less of these. Complex sentences may be 50 percent or more "imports". Scientific papers might use mostly loan words. "We use imports constantly," Morris says, "generally without any idea we are using them. "
Was there ever a time when people spoke just plain English No. Scholars estimate that one-third of the world’s languages are of Indo-European origin. These includes English, French, Latin, German, Dutch, Celtic, and Salvic tongues. Back around AD 450, when Julius Caesar was alive, English, as we know, it didn’t exist. English is relatively young. Its roots go back 1,500 years, to Britain. People there spoke
A. Professor Morris and his English classes in college
B. some jokes about the term "loan words"
C. the meaning and using of "loan words" in English
D. the difference between loan words and imported words
[简答题]Professor Harry asks his students to ____________(阅读报纸,以跟上时事).

[单项选择]The fame of Henry James generally rests upon his novels and stories with ______.
A. historical themes
B. the international themes
C. tragic themes
D. the American theme
[填空题]Henry is very strict with his daughter. He only lets her out at night (occasion)
[单项选择]A client calls his money manager and asks the manager to liquidate a large portion of his assets under management for an emergency. The manager warns the client of the risk of selling many assets quickly but says that he will try to get the client the best possible price. This is a violation of:()
A. Standard Ⅲ (C) , Suitability.
B. Standard Ⅴ (B) , Communication with Clients and Prospective Clients.
C. none of the Standards listed here.
[单项选择]His mother asks him to do morning exercises, but he is not used to()early in the morning.
A. get up
B. getting up
C. be gotten up
D. being gotten up
[填空题]72.Henry has prepared a party for his girlfriend, ______ (结果却被告之她到时候不能来了).

[填空题]Henry has prepared a party for his girlfriend, ___________________ (结果却被告之她到时候不能来了).

[单项选择]It is Henry James’ novels and his ______ that make him a fascinating case in the American literary history and a conspicuous figure in world literature.
A. literary essays
B. travel accounts
C. poems
D. plays


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