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发布时间:2024-09-13 06:47:37

[单项选择]Has it ever struck you that what the tourist considers most picturesque about a country the local resident often thinks shameful and unprogressive The average visitor to the Middle East finds camels fascinating; either they attract him strongly or they repel him strongly, he finds them romantic and full of local color. If, however, he talks enthusiastically about camels to a local acquaintance, hoping to gain favor in his sight thereby, he will almost always be disappointed. He will be with blank incomprehension of his viewpoint or even hostility to it.
It seems to be a fact that familiarity breeds contempt, and that those who seek excitement and romance cannot see it at home, under their noses, but only in distant lands. The Middle Easterner travelling abroad enjoys seeing cowboys and Indians in America, old castles and cathedrals in France, and Gypsies in Spain. It is not because they are unprogressive that he enjoys these sights; his pleasure is not mixed with feelings of super
A. man, by nature, has a sense of superiority before an unprogressive site
B. man is curious by nature
C. people are often hostile to tourists
D. man likes to see the ugliness in distant lands

更多"Has it ever struck you that what th"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Has it ever struck you that what the tourist considers most picturesque about a country the local resident often thinks shameful and unprogressive The average visitor to the Middle East finds camels fascinating; either they attract him strongly or they repel him strongly, he finds them romantic and full of local color. If, however, he talks enthusiastically about camels to a local acquaintance, hoping to gain favor in his sight thereby, he will almost always be disappointed. He will be with blank incomprehension of his viewpoint or even hostility to it.
It seems to be a fact that familiarity breeds contempt, and that those who seek excitement and romance cannot see it at home, under their noses, but only in distant lands. The Middle Easterner travelling abroad enjoys seeing cowboys and Indians in America, old castles and cathedrals in France, and Gypsies in Spain. It is not because they are unprogressive that he enjoys these sights; his pleasure is not mixed with feelings of super
A. they are usually regarded as a shame by the local resident
B. they are strange and therefore arouse the visitor’s curiosity
C. of their powers of endurance
D. they make him feel superior
[单项选择]Have you ever received ()of what has happened to her
A. the word
B. words
C. word
D. the words
[单项选择]Have you ever received_________of what has happened to her
A. the word
B. words
C. word
D. the words
[单项选择]What has happened
A. The woman was disappointed about her dog.
B. There is an advertisement about a dog in the paper.
C. The woman can’ t find her pet.
D. The woman is not feeling well.
[单项选择]What do you think of the man has to do
A. He has to look carefully.
B. He has to go to school.
C. He has to go to see a doctor.

Have you ever considered what an important part work plays in our general lifestyle For most of us, our jobs are the main things that motivate and direct us, and around which we organize our lives. Perhaps this stress on work began with our Puritan forebears, who believed that the best way to serve God was through honest hard work, or perhaps our fundamental belief in work stems from a time when this country was young and we needed people who believed in hard work to carry out the arduous business of pioneering. Whatever the reason, it is undeniable that work is important to us. Think about the situation that arises when you meet someone and try to learn more about him or her. An early question is very frequently something such as, "What do you do" or "Where do you work" This kind of question usually follows "What’s your name" and is now so common with us that we do not stop to wonder why we ask it.
But, you know, it is very possible th
A. Work plays an important part in our general lifestyle.
B. It is very possible that game will replace work as the most important part in our life.
C. People are divided into social classes in accordance with types or work they do.
D. Game players know how to get the most fun and enjoyment out of our leisure time.


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