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发布时间:2024-01-06 03:13:53

[简答题]How do you understand arbitrariness?

更多"How do you understand arbitrariness"的相关试题:

[单项选择]"I don’t understand how you got a ticket. I always thought you were a careful driver." "(), but I thought I could get through the intersection before the light turned."
A. I am usually
B. Usually am I
C. I usually am
D. Am I usually

W: I don’t understand how you got a ticket. I always thought you drive carefully.
M: I usually am, but I thought I could make it before the light changed.

Why did the man receive a ticket()
A. He was speeding.
B. He ran a red light.
C. He went through a stop sign.
D. He turned a comer too fast.
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A. Firing.
B. Bombing.
C. Disaster.
D. Violent disorder.
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[单项选择]A. Fine. How are you B. How do you do Glad to meet you, too.
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W: I need to make sure you understand how to get housing for next year. When you entered as first year students this year, the school assigned you to a dorm and a roommate. But next year as returning students, you’ll choose both your roommate and your dorm. But whether or not you actually get to live in your first choice depends on what number you or your roommate draws in the lottery system. The system gives priority to the students who have been here the longest. Fourth year students get the first block of numbers, third years students get the second block and second years, like you’ll be, get the third. The lower the number you draw, the sooner you choose. No. 1 gets the first choice, No. 2 gets the second choice, and so on. You can use either your own or your intended roommate’s number to make your room choice. If your roommate for next year has been in the school longer than you have, they’ll be in a better block of numbers and so will have a better n

[单项选择]A) How do you do C) You are right.
B) Yes, but why D) Really


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