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发布时间:2023-11-18 05:12:50

[简答题]With the fast development of the globalization, ____________(不同文化间的交互影响已成为一种必然的趋势).

更多"With the fast development of the gl"的相关试题:

[简答题]With the fast development of China, more and more citizens have bought cars. That means the number of cars running on the roads of China is increasing. This also brings a serious problem:air pollution. You are asked to write a composition of more than 400 words to express your ideas about the relation between the car and air pollution. In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural Conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in loss of marks. Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.
The History of Globalization

·Globalization is commonly believed not to have been a concern in (21) .
·In 1841, a writer from (22) wrote about the notion of a "universal society". His main concerns about this society were:
Ⅰ. how people of different nations would express (23)
Ⅱ: whether there would be a single (24)
Ⅲ: whether it was possible to have one governing body
He imagined future would be shaped by the new technologies of (25) and (26)
·In 1965-1871, there were plans for a single European (27) .
It was to be called the (28) .
Plans failed due to a (29) in the 1870s.
·Other 18th century writers (e. g. Adam Smith) were concerned about effect on (30) .
His and others ideas may help us deal with today’s problems.
The History of Globalization

[多项选择]Globalization: Disadvantages to globalization (全球化危害)
[多项选择]Globalization: China’s Long March to globalization (中国实现全球化的路程漫长)
[多项选择]Globalization: Reasons for globalization (全球化原因)
[单项选择]The most effective attacks against globalization are usually not those related to economies. Instead, they are social, ethical and, above all, cultural. These arguments surfaced amid the protests in Seattle in 1999 and more recently in Davos, Bangkok and Prague. They say this: the disappearance of national borders and the establishment of a world interconnected by markets will deal a death blow to regional and national cultures, and to the traditions, customs, myths and mores that determine each country’s or region’s cultural identity. Since most of the world is incapable of resisting the invasion of cultural products from developed countries that inevitably trails the great transnational corporations, North American culture will ultimately impose itself, standardizing the world and annihilating its richness of diverse cultures. In this manner, all other peoples, and not just the small and weak ones, will lose their identity, their soul, and will become no more than 21st-eentury coloni
A. we will live and dress in the exactly same way in the near future
B. we will be confined to a small region in the world
C. our world will become culturally less diversified
D. our world will become more practical and adaptable


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