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发布时间:2024-10-07 00:27:10

[填空题]If astronauts are given tasks to do, they quickly begin to suffer from stress.

更多"If astronauts are given tasks to do"的相关试题:

[填空题]If astronauts are given tasks to do, they quickly begin to suffer from stress.

[单项选择]So quickly ( )their work that they were given a bonus.
A. did the workmen finish
B. the workmen finished
C. the workmen finish
D. do the workmen finish
[多项选择]Do you think training should be given by external training organizations (Why / Why not)
[简答题]And we do expect to grow quickly with your help, and this effort will proceed on a number of parallel tracks. First, a major applied research and development effort to improve design, lower costs, and develop global industry standards for cookstoves. There are already some good stoves out there, but we can make them much more durable, efficient, and affordable, and scale up production to reach a mass market. With the right advances, new stoves could even use their own wasted heat to produce electricity that powers smoke-clearing fans, mobile phones, and even household lights.

[单项选择]What did the person do when he was given two glasses of beer
[填空题]We should be able to do the job for you quickly, provided ____________ (只要你向我们提供所有必要的信息)

[单项选择]For more than thirty years after astronauts first set foot on the Moon, scientists have been unable to unravel the mystery of where the Earth’s only satellite came from. But now there is direct evidence that the Moon was born after a giant collision between the young Earth and another planet.
Previous studies of rocks from the Earth and the Moon have been unable to distinguish between the two, suggesting that they formed from the same material. But this still left room for a number of theories explaining how—for example, that the Moon and Earth formed from the same material at the same time. It was even suggested that the early Earth spun so fast it formed a bulge that eventually broke off to form the Moon.
Franck Poitrasson, and his colleagues at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology have compared Moon rocks with rocks from Earth and discovered a surprising difference. They analysed the weight of the elements present in the rock using a highly accurate form of mass spe
A. the differences between the Earth and the Moon
B. how man manages to set foot onto the Moon
C. the collision between the Earth and the Moon
D. the origin of the Moon
[填空题]Astronauts are likely to increase in height while in space.


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