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发布时间:2023-12-02 22:17:34

[填空题]The number of days of vacation provided to university employees remain constant from year to year.

更多"The number of days of vacation prov"的相关试题:

New Vacation Policy

All vacation days must be taken within the calendar year with written requests submitted and approved by your direct supervisors:
1. All new employees are entitled to 3 weeks’ paid vacation per year.
2. Any employee on their probationary period will not be included under policy until his/her 3 months is up.
3. All vocation requests must be made in writing at least 2 weeks in advance of your requested dates. These will be approved at the discretion of your supervisor according to your departmental workload requirements.
4. All vacation days must be taken within the calendar year. Otherwise, you will lose them.
5. Only one person per individual department may be away on vacation for a period of a week or more (to ensure sufficient staffing is available in each department).
6. Employees will receive an extra week of vacation time for every 5 years of addit
A. All regular employees are allowed at least three weeks off in a year
B. Any request for time off can be rejected depending on the circumstances
C. Any vacation time not taken will be compensated at the end of the year
D. A three-week holiday can be granted if a legitimate reason is provided

[单项选择]The employees ()receive more vacation days than a pay increase next year
A. used to 
B. would rather
C. would like
D. must not
[多项选择]The chart shows the number of days the average employee has off work per year in four different countries.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and by making comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
Public holidays
Annual leave
Total days off
[简答题]System.out.println("Number of days:"+ nNumOfDays);

These days searching for a number in a five centimeter thick telephone directory seems very old-fashion. Voice recognition systems are becoming more and more common and efficient: the best of them apparently recognize 49 out of every 50 words.
These devices save companies a huge amount of money. Stephen Evans in New York has been talking to the machines and to the men who design them.
I had a bit of Basil Fawlty moment the other day; I rang 411, the American directory enquiries which now uses a voice recognition system. I told the machine I wanted the number for "Harlem Auto Mall" and she—for this machine had a female voice—replied Harlem Public School 154. No doubt, like lots of people, I found myself ranting.
Machines, you see, have personalities, and banks, phone companies, railways and all kinds of alleged help lines are spending a lot of money trying to find out what kinds of voices to give the machines that speak to us, the publ
A. It is very convenient and efficient.
B. It can save companies lots of money.
C. It can help companies make lots of money.
D. It can calm down the irritable drivers with soft voice.

[单项选择]Passage 5
Tests conducted at the University of Pennsylvania’s Psychological Laboratory showed that anger is one of the most difficult emotions to detect from facial expression. Professor Dallas E. Buzby confronted 716 students with pictures of extremely angry persons, and asked them to identify the emotion from facial expression. Only 2 percent made correct judgments. Anger was most frequently judged as "pleased." And a typical reaction of a student with the picture of a man who was hopping mad was to classify his expression as either "bewildered", "quizzical", or simply "amazed". Other students showed that it is extremely difficult to tell whether a man is angry or not just by looking at his face. The investigators found further that women are better at detecting anger from facial expression than men are. Paradoxically, they found that psychol
A. is difficult to detect by looking at a person’s face
B. is frequently confused with other emotions
C. is detected by women better than by men
D. cannot be detected by a psychologically trained person


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