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发布时间:2024-02-05 01:54:03

[单项选择]Diane Larsen-Freeman refrains from saying that some teachers are doing wrong because__________
A. she wants to sound polite
B. she thinks language teaching is not a right-or-wrong matter
C. she thinks they are doing their best
D. she believes no teaching is perfect

更多"Diane Larsen-Freeman refrains from "的相关试题:


W: You’ve just been back from Cambridge. Something interesting to share
M: Cambridge is about 90 kilometres northeast of London. It is one of the most beautiful places in Britain. Everything about the city of Cambridge reminds you of its famous university: student on bicycles; an atmosphere of learning, traditions and the magnificent buildings of the 30 colleges that are in the University of Cambridge. Most of the colleges stand on the bank of the Cam River, a gentle river that flows through the heart of the city. Tourists and students like boating in a kind of flat bottom boat to see the colleges or to relax themselves. If the water traffic reminds the visitor of Venice, the road traffic is more likely to recall Beijing or Amsterdam. The streets are full of bicycles, hundreds and hundreds of them. They provide a cheap form of transport for the students and are very conveniently for getting around the Cambridge’s streets.
M: I’m getting prepared
A. Watching traditional plays.
B. Boating on the river.
C. Visiting the magnificent libraries.
D. Cycling in narrow streets.

[单项选择]Where are Patrick and Diane
A. In a disco.
B. In a cinema.
C. In a theatre.
[单项选择]Junior economists Diane Foreman and Les Harlan are discussing the concepts of aggregate hours and real wage rates and how they relate to real GDP. They state the following: Foreman: Aggregate hours are a more accurate measure of total labor input than the number of people employed. Aggregate hours tend to be positively correlated with real GDP growth. Harlan: Real wage rates have not increased as much over time as the productivity of labor, but that is largely because a greater share of labor compensation now comes in the form of employer-paid benefits. Are Foreman and Harlan correct Foreman Harlan()①A. Correct Correct ②B. Correct Incorrect ③C. Incorrect Correct
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③
[单项选择]Passage Five
Most famous people have some unusual story associated with their names. Casanova, for example, was a legend in his own time. He was the epitome of the gallant adventurer and lover. However, he spent thirteen years of his life as a librarian!
Thomas Edison, the brilliant inventor, was deaf from the age of twelve. The young Edison’s hearing loss was long believed to have been caused when he tried to catch a moving train and a conductor grabbed him by the ears to pull him on board. Edison himself liked to tell this story. No one is really sure how he did lose his hearing.
Great writers and artists often require various types of inspirational warm-up before they create. Rudyard Kipling could not write unless his pen was filled with black ink, and only black ink. Ludwig van Beethoven poured icy cold water over his head before he
A. Danish nobleman
B. Danish astronomer
C. Swedish adventurer
D. Swedish composer
[单项选择]Passage One The journey two divers made some time ago to the very deepest point on the earth makes us realize how much of the world still remains to be studied. The two men went down seven miles to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean inside a small steel ball to find out if there are any ocean currents or signs of life. It was necessary to set out early, so that the ball would come to the surface in daylight, and so be easily found by the mother ship which would be waiting for it. The divers began preparations early in the morning and soon afterwards, when all was ready, the steel ball disappeared under the surface of the water. The divers felt as if they were going down steps as they passed through warm and cold layers of water. In time, the temperature dropped to freezing point. They kept in touch with the mother ship by telephone telling how they felt. Then, at a depth of 3, 000 feet, the telephone stopped working and they were quite cut off from the outside world.
A. The ocean water temperature decreases steadily with the depth.
B. There are steps on the way to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
C. There are steps between the water layers of different temperatures.
D. The water layers of different temperatures made the divers feel as if they were going down steps.
[简答题]The application of the new technology met with some difficulties ____________(由于缺乏资金支持).

[单项选择]There is no denying that students should learn something about how computers work, just as we expect them at least to understand that the internal combustion engine (内燃机) has something to do with burning fuel, expanding gases and pistons (活塞) being driven. For people should have some basic idea of how the things that they use do what they do. Further, students might be helped by a course that considers the computer’’s impact on society. But that is not what is meant by computer literacy. For computer literacy is not a form of literacy (读写能力); it is a trade skill that should not be taught as a liberal art. Learning how to use a computer and learning how to program one are two distinct activities. A case might be made that the competent citizens of tomorrow should free themselves from their fear of computers. But this is quite different from saying that all ought to know how to program one. Leave that to people who have c hosen programming as a career. While programming can be lots
A. programming a computer is as interesting as making a violin
B. our society needs experts in different fields
C. violin making requires as much skill as computer programming
D. people who can use a computer don’t necessarily have to know computer programming
[填空题]People visit other countries for many reasons. Some travel (11) ; others travel to visit interesting places. Whenever you go, for whatever reason, it is important to be (12) . a tourist can draw a lot of attention from local people. Although most of the people you meet are friendly and welcoming, sometimes there are dangers. (13) , your money or passport might be stolen. Just as in your home country, do not expect everyone you meet to be friendly and (14) . It is important to prepare your trip in advance, and (15) be careful while you are traveling.


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