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发布时间:2024-07-04 02:26:23


November 7, 2000 is a very special day in the United States. Voters all across the nation are (21) representatives in local and national races. Some people think that they’re voting for the president of our country too. They’re not! Again, they’re voting for (22) . These representatives are called electors. They are part of a system called the Electoral College.
In most states the electors are chosen on a winner take all basis. That makes it (23) for one candidate to win (24) electors while getting less popular votes nationally than his (25)
The (26) will meet in their respective states and vote for president and vice-president on December 18, 2000. The Constitution does not (27) the electors to vote for the candidates that they are pledged to, but they almost always do. (28) January 6, 2001, just two weeks before the (29) president and vice-president take office, the
A. food 
B. election 
C. car 
D. candidate

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November 7, 2000 is a very special day in the United States. Voters all across the nation are (21) representatives in local and national races. Some people think that they’re voting for the president of our country too. They’re not! Again, they’re voting for (22) . These representatives are called electors. They are part of a system called the Electoral College.
In most states the electors are chosen on a winner take all basis. That makes it (23) for one candidate to win (24) electors while getting less popular votes nationally than his (25)
The (26) will meet in their respective states and vote for president and vice-president on December 18, 2000. The Constitution does not (27) the electors to vote for the candidates that they are pledged to, but they almost always do. (28) January 6, 2001, just two weeks before the (29) president and vice-president take office, the
A. phoning 
B. asking 
C. wishing 
D. electing


The 22nd of November 1970 is a day that three British soldiers and an army officer’s wife will remember for a long time. On that day the four of them left in their speedboat to go to the Club in Castle Peak Bay. They reached the club without any difficulty. But on their return trip in the evening the motor of their boat broke down. They could not repair it, so they drifted along in the boat. It was already night when they spotted some islands in the distance. They immediately started to row in the direction of one which they knew was inhabited.
They rowed three hours but made no progress because the strong current was against them. Meanwhile huge waves kept splashing over the sides of the boats so that once it nearly sank. At last they gave up and decided to turn the boat round and row with the current. Before long they landed on a small island. As one of them described it: "It was just a tiny island with long grass and bushes."
They had no food or


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