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发布时间:2023-10-27 00:12:53

[简答题]Let us go then, you and I,
When the evening is spread out against the sky
Like a patient etherized upon a table;
Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,
The muttering retreats
Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels
And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:
(The lines above are taken from "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T. S Eliot. )
A. What does the poem present
B. What form is the poem composed in
C. What does the poem suggest

更多"Let us go then, you and I, When th"的相关试题:

[单项选择]"Let us go, ( )" the Smith said to the officer.
A. will you
B. won’t you
C. shan’t we
D. don’t we
[单项选择] [听力原文] M:You said you were going to give us a special assignment this time. W:Yes, you must do something interesting and be prepared to tell the class about it on Monday in about 200 words. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers()
A. Student and teacher.
B. Patient and doctor.
C. Secretary and boss.
D. Tourist and guide.
[填空题]When friends come to visit us in the evening, they spend their time telling us that they are in a hurry and looking at their watches. It isn’t that our friends are all very busy, it is just that we haven’t got a television. People think that we are {{U}} (11) {{/U}}. "But what do you do in the evenings " they are always asking. The answer is simple. Both my wife and I have {{U}} (12) {{/U}}. We certainly don’t spend our evenings staring at the walls. My wife enjoys {{U}} (13) {{/U}} and painting and often attends evening classes in foreign languages. This is {{U}} (14) {{/U}} as we always go abroad for our holidays. I collect stamps and am always busy with my {{U}} (15) {{/U}}. Both of us enjoy listening to music and playing chess together.
[简答题]One evening when it was SO warm,I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.
[简答题]Are you tired of cleaning yourself Let us do it.
[单项选择]Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate.
A. litotes
B. apophasis
C. contrast
D. irony
[单项选择]Let us suppose that you am in the position of a parent. Would you allow your children to read any book they wanted to without first checking its contents Would you take your children to see any film without first finding out whether it is suitable for them If your answer to these questions is "yes", than you am either extremely permissive. If your answer is "no", then you are exercising your right as a parent to protect your children from what you consider to be undesirable influences. In other words, by acting as a censor yourself, you are admitting that there is a strong case for censorship.
Now, of course, you will say that it is one thing to exercise censorship where children are concerned and quite another to do the same for adults. Children need protection and it is the parents’ responsibility to provide it. But what about adults Aren’t they old enough to decide what is good for them The answer is that many adults are, but don’t make the mistake of thinking that all ad
A. let their children read any books they like to
B. not let their children see any films they like to
C. not let their children read any books without first checking their contents
D. let their children see the films with their first checking
[单项选择]Let us suppose that you are in the position of a parent. Would you allow your children to read any book they wanted to without first checking its contents Would you take your children to see any film without first finding out whether it is suitable for them If your answer to these questions is "yes", then you are either extremely permissive. If your answer is "no", then you are exercising your right as a parent to protect your children from what you consider to be undesirable influences. In other words, by acting as a censor yourself, you are admitting that there is a strong case for censorship.
Now, of course, you will say that it is one thing to exercise censorship where children are concerned and quite another to do the same for adults. Children need protection and it is the parents’ responsibility to provide it. But what about adults Aren’t they old enough to decide what is good for them The answer is that many adults are, but don’t make the mistake of thinking that all adults
A. Censorship is compared to the law because both of them perform good service to society as a whole.
B. All the adults want to be censors to protect their children from bad influence.
C. Censorship should not confine people’s attention to great masterpieces.
D. Many books, plays and films are far from being "works of art".


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